Arrived a bit late, dewan dah penuh :( … [Continue reading]
Al-Mukminun 23: 1-11
Surah Al-Mukminun is one of my favourite Surah's for its simplicity. I love, especially the first 11 verses as it is a simple reminder from Allah, or maybe a simple guidance from Allah of the people who will be chosen for Jannah In the name … [Continue reading]
Today’s activity: 15/01/2017
Meeting markah undergraduate Fasting today! Double checking the students' marks Course files … [Continue reading]
Meeting of Undergraduate Students’ Results
Since I taught one undergraduate course last semester under UTM Space, I had to come to this meeting. not so many in attendance because our faculty caters more for postgraduate students than undergrads. Enjoyed the meeting though. … [Continue reading]
Surah Al-Kahfi: 13/01/2017
Since its Friday today, let's all remember to read Al-Kahfi today “Sesungguhnya barangsiapa membaca surah Al-Kahfi pada hari Jumaat, nescaya ia akan diterangi oleh cahaya antara dua Jum’at.” (HR Hakim 3349) I'm a huge advocate for reading … [Continue reading]