Finally Done Marking!

Finally, I'm done with marking. Finished marking three postgraduate papers in 6 days. Alhamdulillah. Next, FRGS application! … [Continue reading]

Blended Learning Award of Excellence

Just got my Award for Excellence in Blended Learning certificate for all three courses I taught in semester 2 2015/16. Thanks UTM! anugerah-kelas-statistik anugerah-design-curriculum anugerah-model Alhamdulillah, I'm a happy woman! … [Continue reading]

Quote of the Day

Have you ever heard of this saying? A good deed goes a long way. Well, now there is scientific evidence that good deeds are beneficial not only for the receiver but, it is better for the giver. So, a good deed can indeed go a long long way. A good … [Continue reading]

Today’s Activity:11/01/2017

Today, I am going to: Update RADIS for publication Statistics final exam I finally finished marking models and design, so my students can check their grades. … [Continue reading]

comparison jepun denmark canada

jepun-denmark-kanada-naksa-alyati-zainab … [Continue reading]