Course Info SSCM4823 [Scheduling]


This course discusses various scheduling classes namely single machine, identical parallel processor, unrelated parallel processor, uniform parallel processor, flow shop, job shop scheduling. Various performance measures and suitable objective functions will be considered in obtaining a good schedule. Approaches for mathematical modelling and solving scheduling problems using heuristics of the mentioned scheduling classes will be discussed. Students will be encouraged to use C programming to write programs on the heuristics algorithms. Other than that, LINGO / CPLEX software can be used to solve mathematical programming model that have been developed for exact solution approach. Upon completion, students should be at ease to use all methods that have been discussed for finding feasible and exact solutions for task scheduling in single processor, parallel processors and shop scheduling problems.


Learning Outcome

  • Identify the various type of scheduler model, tasks characteristics and performance measures in task scheduling system that include single processor, parallel processors and shop scheduling.
  • Perform appropriate heuristic algorithms or mathematical programming models to produce feasible or exact solutions.
  • Program algorithms and mathematical models discussed as computer codes in C Programming and LINGO/CPLEX.

