I was given the opportunity to be one of the jury at International eContent Development Competition 2021 hosted by UiTM
It is a competition to evaluate educators effort in developing eContent such as MOOC, Micro Credential Courses or Open Educational Resources.
I did participate with my partner from India, Sneh Bansal and we got Bronze Medal. It was the first time for Sneh and it is for our MOOC Inclusive Education for all.
One of my PhD students Wan Nur Tasnim received her Senate letter today. I co supervised her with Assoc. Prof. Dr Jamalludin Harun. Sad to see her leave but of course Congratulations ?
YSN-ASM Science Education Working Group will be hosting the following workshop for teachers. Come and join us!
YSN-ASM Science Education WG will be hosting the following workshop for educators by our distinguished speakers Prof Fong Soon Fook and Assoc.Prof. Dr Jamal Harun . Please mark your calendar Registration and Meeting link:Registration Link : https://forms.gle/pUhvsmaeXzrwhvga8 Zoom link : https://zoom.us/j/95696924544… Meeting ID : 956 9692 4544Passcode : 181939
I had the opportunity to attend a workshop hosted by UTM Big Data Center today.
It talks about the processes that a data analyst would go through in collecting, analyzing and presenting the data and basically summarized in 6 steps: Understanding the
Understanding the issue
Data understanding
Data preparation
Exploratory analysis
Visualization of data
We were task to complete capstone projects and seems I will be fully occupied this weekend!
Terdapat beberapa pertanyaan dari pelajar tentang bentuk data input bagi perisian WEKA. I am no expert but here is what I can share. Cara mudah untuk menyediakan data bagi perisian ini adalah menggunakan Notepad/TextEdit.
Persoalan Kajian
Untuk menggunakan perisian WEKA, saya beranggapan anda yakin bahawa perisian ini sesuai untuk menganalisis data anda.
Bagi contoh kajian saya, saya ingin melihat ‘Bagaimana kekerapan login dalam forum atas talian dan bilangan mesej yang dikongsi dalam forum atas talian dapat membantu meningkatkan pencapaian pelajar?’.
Saya mempunyai 3 pembolehubah iaitu; kekerapan login (FreqLogin), bilangan mesej (FreqPostMessage) dan pencapaian (Performance) pelajar. Pembolehubah ini dipanggil ‘attribute’.
Berdasarkan 3 attribute ini, saya mempunyai sampel pelajar seramai 120 orang. Contoh:
Pelajar 1: Kekerapan login = 47, bilangan mesej = 9, Skor pencapaian = B
Pelajar 2: Kekerapan login = 59, bilangan mesej = 7, Skor pencapaian = A
Pelajar nth: …
Saya ingin menganalisis data pelajar ini dalam perisian WEKA.
So.. how do we get started?
Buka aplikasi Notepad/TextEdit
Tuliskan kod berikut dalam Notepad/TextEdit:
Contoh paparan data saya:
@relation : kod untuk menyenaraikan data set. Sebagai contoh, saya namakan dataset saya sebagai: pattern
@attribute: kod untuk menyenaraikan pembolehubah. Data saya mengandungi 3 pembolehubah saya namakan sebagai ‘FreqLogin’, ‘FreqPostMessage’ dan ‘Performance’. Data dalam attribute dipisahkan
@data: kod untuk menyenaraikan data. Selepas anda menulis @data, anda senaraikan data pelajar anda. SETIAP BARIS mewakili DATA SEORANG PELAJAR.
Penerangan tentang ‘numeric’ dan {A, B, C, D} saya sertakan dalam video berikut:
3. Simpan fail ini sebagai Save As < data_weka.arff (format .arff adalah format fail yang boleh dibaca oleh perisian WEKA. Sila pastikan anda TIDAK menyimpan fail dalam format .txt)
I had the opportunity to conduct a workshop on Learning Analytics. I used WEKA data mining software and the workshop participants also learned to interpret findings from Analytics; the Moodle plugin for Predictive Learning Analytics.
Open Education Resources (OER) supports Sustainable Development Goal, SDG 4: Quality Education highlighted by UNESCO. There are a total of 17 SDGs highlighted by UNESCO.
In UTM, all new lecturers have to be exposed to the concept of using and developing OER to promote awareness about OER. I share below my simple presentation on using OER for teaching and learning.
In UTM, one of the common hiccups that we have during the development of a MOOC is to constantly keeping update on how MOOC development is progressing. Hence, we came up with the idea of developing a system where MOOC developers can check and monitor their MOOC development as well as ensuring the content that they provide in their MOOC is aligned with national Garis Panduan Pembangunan dan Penyampaian MOOC Malaysia (2017).
Here is a presentation where I described the development of the system in Social Learning Conference in Sydney last November 2017. It is due to be published in Jan 2018.
I would like to share my presentation slide during Social Learning Conference 2017 for the article Using Learning Analytics to Improve MOOC Instructional Design. CLICK HERE You can also request the full paper if you would like to read more from me at nurbiha@utm.my