Benchmark – COA’s Module 8

CPU & Hardware Performance Benchmarks

In computing, a benchmark is the act of running a computer program, a set of programs, or other operations, in order to assess the relative performance of an object, normally by running a number of standard tests and trials against it.
CPU benchmark (CPU benchmarking) is a series of tests designed to measure the performance of a computer or device CPU. A set of standards, or baseline measurements are used to compare the performance of different systems, using the same methods and circumstances.
There are available CPU benchmark software available and free for download. We may explore, try and experience it on our own computer.


I have found several interesting videos for you (specific to our COA’s class). You may go through the video one by one for better understanding.



Benchmarks as Fast As Possible

A good introduction for benchmarks.


Best CPU Benchmark Software For Windows

You may download the CPU-Z for a start, look through at your CPU and hardware specification.


First 5 Things I Do When Benchmarking

Gamingg! Easy to relate right. However, benchmark is not limited to GPU, in our case we focus on CPU and hardware performance benchmarking.



What’s the Difference Between a CPU and a GPU?

Hope the videos help us learning in exciting way and gain experience as much as we can with benchmarking.
Ms Rashidah
COA 201920202 (07)

Pelajar FC LI di Spain

Pagi ini dapat berita gembira. 4 pelajar FC selamat tiba di Spain. Mereka telah mendaftar dan akan menjalani Latihan Industri (LI) di Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

Yazid & Arif
Ceria semuanya. Selamat berLI! – gambar kredit: Nurul Atifah.

Lebih teruja, Arif dan Yazid adalah pelajar di bawah PA.