There are five modes of block ciphers operation, called ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR.

Besides our notes, here we have five interesting related contents and research works that you may refer to:

Block Ciphers Encryption Modes & Use DES to Construct Stream Ciphers pg. 27-38 by Fabio Martignon LRI, France.

Evaluation Criteria (Modes of Operation) by Murat Kantarcioglu, UTD Dallas.

FIPS81 DES Modes of Operation by NIST.

Error Propagation in Various Cipher Block Modes by Karel Burda, BrnoUT Czech Republic.

Block Ciphers Modes of Operation by Tutorialspoint.

You may refer to other resources also for references.

1. Each group member must perform research individually: (1.5 marks)

  • Member 1 ECB & CTR
  • Member 2 CBC
  • Member 3 CFB
  • Member  4 OFB

Compare and discuss the advantage(s) and disadvantage(s) for each of properties:

  1. Identical plaintext
  2. Chaining dependencies
  3. Error propagation
  4. Efficiency

2. Then come out with ONE comparative table for modes of operation. (2 marks)

3. Then make an interesting Question and Answer based video. Maximum 5 minutes only. Publish on youtube. Share the link on the e-learning forum. (1.5 marks)

Explore & enjoy.

Due: Dec 2, 2024 Monday

PSM’s Important 3 to 8


Importance 3: Figure caption must be below the figure.

Importance 4: Table caption must put on top of a table.

Importance 5: All figures and tables must be recited and explained in the text on the same page.

Importance 6: Separate table between pages, must has their own header and numbered.

Importance 7: Put frame (box) for figure

Importance 8: Every topic must start with text first; not figure or table.

Back to PSM’s Importance

Cryptography: Modes of Operation

Five modes of operation, called

  1. Electronic Codebook (ECB) – Group 1 & 6
  2. Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) – Group 2, 7 & 11
  3. Cipher Feedback (CFB) – Group 3, 8 & 12
  4. Output Feedback (OFB) – Group 4, 9 & 13
  5. Counter (CTR) – Group – 5 & 10

Each group may execute our CL activity based on modes of operation given.


Scaffolding for our cooperative learning (CL) activity.

Besides our notes, here we have six interesting related contents and research works that you may refer to:

Block Ciphers Encryption Modes & Use DES to Construct Stream Ciphers pg. 27-38 by Fabio Martignon LRI, France.

Evaluation Criteria (Modes of Operation) by Murat Kantarcioglu, UTD Dallas.

FIPS81 DES Modes of Operation by NIST.

Modes of Operation Properties by David Kohel, USYD Sydney.

Error Propagation in Various Cipher Block Modes by Karel Burda, BrnoUT Czech Republic.

Block Ciphers Modes of Operation by Tutorialspoint.

You may refer to other resources also for references.

Explore & enjoy.

-msrashidah UTM (updated Dec, 2021)

Upload Entry Survey

Go to UTM E-learning:
  1. At course main page, Turn editing on > Add an activity or resource > Then select activity – Feedback.
  2. Adding a new Feedback page will appear. Then fill in the Name field for example “DL Entry Survey”, meanwhile the rest are optional > Then Save and return to course.
  3. DL Entry Survey link will appear in the course page. Next, click on the Entry Survey link.
  4. Entry Survey page will appear with several tabs. Go to Templates tab. If we already have a template, then click on Use a template link> Then choose Import questions link.
  5. On the Import questions interface> Tick Append new items> Next, Choose File > Choose the given template *.xml > Then, Upload this file > Back to Import questions page, select Yes button.
  6. Back to Entry Survey page > Select Edit questions tab.
  7. You made it! The entry survey questions are now available. You may edit, add and delete the questions if you want. If not, just proceed as it is.
You also may refer to screen captures below for each step details.

Step 1

Add activity – Feedback

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4 details

Step 5

Step 6







Happy Teaching for 2020/2021 Session!
Any question, you may email me at Bye.


Sihat dan ceria semua.
Hari ini beberapa program mengujakan berjalan.

RCEE 2020
The RCEE 2020 Keynote Session starts at 9.30 a.m – 29th September 2020, Tuesday.
Before the keynote session,  8.30 a.m for RCEE 2020 Opening & Welcoming Address.
RCEE 2020 Penyertaan kertas kerja, penulis bersama Hazinah, Marina & Rashidah bertajuk : xxx.

Penggunaan aplikasi Whova sebagai medium komunikasi dan pengurusan bagi peserta dan pembentang. Menarik untuk digunapakai bagi CRC2021 nanti.


Selepas mesyuarat CAR, pengesahan markah, Audit Dalaman dan IAP Audit, masa untuk merancang bagi semester hadapan.

Terima kasih PM Dr Wan Nasir. Pandangan dari meja Pengerusi.

Antara perkara ditekankan

Laluan kerjaya – kenal pasti bidang kepakaran masing-masing.

Pembangunan bakat.