- MGHN2554 (Planning and Development)
- MGHN2634 (Environmental and Natural Resource Management)
- MGHN2523 (Research Methodology For Land Administration and Development)
- MGHN2548 (Projek Sarjana)
- SGHL1093 (Town and Country Planning)
- SGHL 4314 (Projek Sarjana Muda 2)
- SGHL 2102 (Computer Application in Land Administration)
- SGHL 4563 (Environmental Management)
- SGHL4323 (Amalan Iktisas & Etika)
- SGHL4302 (Projek Sarjana Muda I)
- SBET1093 (Perancangan Bandar Dan Desa)
- SGHL3259 (Latihan Industri)
- UGHP0010 (Metodologi Penyelidikan)
- UKQR2062 (Komuniti Lestari)
- SGHH4413 (Pembangunan Tanah)
- UKQP1021 (Kepimpinan Kelab Dan Persatuan)
- SGHL2102 (Aplikasi Komputer Dalam Pentadbiran Tanah)
- SGHL3263 (Seminar Latihan Industri)
- SGT4283 (Kajian Pembangunan Harta Tanah Pelancongan)
- SGT4353 (Pengurusan Sumber Alam)
- SGT3256 (Latihan Industri Praktikal)
- SGT3262 (Latihan Industri Seminar)
- SGT3233 (Pengurusan Alam Sekitar Dan EIA)
- SGT4333 (Kajian Dasar Penbangunan Strategik)
- SGT3123 (Sistem Maklumat Tanah)
- SGT4323 (Pengurusan Sumber Tanah Luar Bandar)
- SGT2252 (Khemah Latihan I HW)
- SGT3122 (Land Information System)
- SGU4263 (Environmental Study)
- SGN4273 (Environmental Management And Environmental Impact Assessment Development)
- SGT1122 (Science Of Land Information)
- SGN2183 (Land Information Management)