Project Cash Flow – SAJ Pump House

Dear All SBEQ 3422 Students (UTM JB) Semester I Session 2019/2020

You are requested to advise the Contractor on the proposed Project and develop a realistic Work Programme and Project Cash Flow of the Project.

  • Prepare the PROGRAMME OF WORK for the proposed project
  • Prepare the contractor’s  CASH FLOW  and S-CURVE of the Project expenditure plotted against duration.
  • Prepare the MATERIAL SCHEDULING (5 Important Materials : 1. Concrete – Cement, Sand Aggreggate 2. Reinforcement 3. Formwork 4. Painting Works 5. Plastering Works) based on the above Work Programme (30%).

CASE STUDY : Detailed Cost Plan for SAJ Pump House

CASE STUDY : Approximate Quantities and Detailed Cost Plan

Pump House Building Layout Plan of Pump House


In QS practices, cost estimation would normally be done by means of APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES. The main purpose of detailed cost estimate is to compare the important components or for projects which unusual and complex design. Based on Construction Drawings for Pump House, your group are required to produce detailed cost estimate. The rate should be referred to JKR Schedule of Rate published in 2019. The report must contain the following elements:

 a)     Gross Floor Area

b)     Cost per square metre

c)     Elemental cost analysis

d)     Top five main elements  contribute to building costs



·        In undertaking the above exercise, students are required to refer to

       JKR Schedule of Rate 2019, Contract Document and previous BQ.

·        Students can refer to the consultant report and reference books.

·        The exercise should be undertaken during the time period in the Class/Tutorial.




·        Submission should be in  Week 10 of the semester.

·        Please clearly write your name and matrix number in the fórum discussion.


Case Study : Cost Management Issues of World’s Mega Projects

Cost planning is not a simply method for PRE-TENDER ESTIMATING but a controlling mechanism  during the design stage and construction stage. The budgets for costs and earnings must be realistic, being based on an achievable programme and a correct appreciation of the required resources based on practical experience. You are required to conduct research on cost issues involving the following projects:

Sydney Opera House, Australia

KLIA 2, Sepang Malaysia

London Olympic Stadium, UK

Scottish Parliament House, UK

You discussion should include the following

  1. Project team, contract duration and organisation structure
  2. Construction cost issues
  3. Total initial cost and total final cost
  4. Proposed action plan to resolve construction cost issues


  •  In undertaking the above exercise, students are required to search information using Google
  • Students can refer to the previous government report and reference books.
  • The exercise should be undertaken during the time period in the Class/Tutorial.


  •  Submission should be in Week 5 of the semester.
  • Please clearly write your name and matrix number in the fórum discussion

SBEQ2322 Cost Planning & Control Sem II 201718 – Class Attendance

Welcome Back to FEB UTM to All Students

Please do visit the link below:


Best Regards

Associate Prof. Sr Dr Sarajul Fikri Mohamed
UTM @ 19 February 2018 (Monday)


Material Conversion Table untuk Sahabat Kontraktor di Kuching Sarawak

Perkongsian ilmu QS dengan sahabat sahabat kontraktor di Hotel Imperial Kuching Sarawak pada 11-13 Oktober 2016 anjuran Pejabat Setiausaha Kewangan Negeri Sarawak.

Moga nota tambahan ini dapat meningkatkan ketepatan dalam anggaran kos untuk menender projek-projek di Kuching.








Sr. Dr. Sarajul Fikri Mohamed Won Gold Medal Award at the IUCEL 2016

Sr. Dr. Sarajul Fikri Mohamed from the Department of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has won GOLD medal award at the International University Carnival on e-Learning (IUCEL 2016) held on 20 and 21 September 2016 at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru Malaysia.

International University Carnival on eLearning (IUCEL) 2016 permits academician and students to showcase their product on teaching and learning innovation and compete in the Invention, Innovation and Design on e-Learning (IIDEL). In the IIDEL competition, there are 156 participants from various higher learning institutions.

Dr. Sarajul Fikri developed an innovative and systematic online teaching approach using Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) system to enhance students’ understanding and engagement in the classroom activities. This course is inherited from common Mechanical & Electrical Works Measurement (SBEQ3213) course that conducted using project-based learning approach. Currently, there is 910 students enrolled in this course and in addition, 259 registered students are international students, who have come from 52 countries.

For further information about this course please feel free to visit



