Previously known as TESDCP. For 2020, it it rebranded to TES. It is actually the same.
Apa bondo ni? hahahaha…. memang tiap-tiap tahun pening terutama di hujung tahun. Ada macam-macam sistem perlu diisi ya. Langkah pertama mesti bertenang dulu hehehe…
TES –> to measure the quality of teaching. OK, we straight to the point, this is how to fill in the the TES system in You can refer to the TES Manual. Below I show the steps to fill in the TES.
Step 1: Login to–> Akademik–> Teaching Excellence System
Step 2: Course File –> Course File
Step 3: Choose any subject for year 2020
Step 4: Complete the Teaching Portfolio of the subject
In this picture, I chose subject MKAQ 1093 for semester 2 session 2019 2020. Upload all the required files.
Step 5: Course File–> Course Assessment Report (CAR)
Upload the CAR for the subject (in my case, MKAQ 1093 semester 2 session 2019 2020).
Step 6: Self-Assessment and Reflection
Select year 2020. Fill in all required inputs. Add new if the year of 2020 is not appear in the lis
Step 7: Implementation of Non-Conventional T&L
All other tabs are automatically filled in from other systems. In this tab, select the Implementation of Non-Conventional T&L. Add New.
Step 8: Measures of student learning (testimony other than e-ppp)
Step 9: Yearly validation
When all tabs show green, it means we have completed all required information. Then, submit the TES for year 2020.