Dialoque 3.0 : Goreng Pisang Session

Dialoque 3.0 : Goreng Pisang Session 2016, After the main forum program conducted in DBKL, the committee decided to organise a Sharing Session on organising Ampang Great Streat Forum to lower years of Architecture Students particularly in managing and securing sponsorship in sustaining such public events.There were many views in the completion of the project which took place at Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL). Secondly, this sharing session improves the communication skills of participants as well as communicate with other parties. There were techniques on evolving program into a larger program and involving more parties. Next, on the outcomes of the program, the ideas exchange among participants that it could enhance the relations between junior and senior. Finally, Impromptu learning process could be achieved coherently bringing the relationship between the students, academician and lecturers more closer and intimate. As the preliminary results, this program produced new ideas that can be designed based on the academic front that this program can be continued by the next student’s generation. It encourages students involved in fixing flaws in the responsibilities entrusted better in the future. Conclusively exchanging opponents and ideas are the important elements in the components of a program. Due to this sessions, the future program which will be held can be implemented properly and weakness of program can be improved towards better and more successfully.


Ampang Great Street Forum 2015


In conjunction with KL Design Month in October 2015, DBKL in collaboration with UTM & PAM was organising an annual exhibition and workshops for architectural and design related activities in the field of built environment. The aim of these participatory activities is to give opportunity for researchers, stakeholders, as well as the public, to be involved in the design decision making process for the growth and development of cities. Presentation of Research Development Incremental Structure And Infill System For Low Income Housing : Adaption From Traditional Malay’s House (UTM Scholars with University of Northumbria, UK)

Cameron Highlands Ecotourism Research 2013

The Cameron Tea Valley research is a collaboration of studies on integrated forestry landscape and tea valley ecotourism activities at Cameron Highland, Pahang. The studies were conducted by UTM Architectural students and the youth group from Persatuan Nakhoda Johor Bahru, and headed by Dr. Sharifah Salwa Syed Mahdzar. Establishing ecotourism activities provides the most convincing argument to government to enforce protection of forest in Cameron Highlands. The research has shown that ecotourism pulls together many Government departments making abroad case for preservation and conservation alike. Throughout the research programs, many sharing session and seminars have been conducted in giving benefits to publics.

The tea valley and the surrounding forestry sites in Cameron Highlands show tremendous evidence and highly suitable in support for the eco-tourism land uses, products and activities. By providing scientific method and approach in establishing eco-tourism activities in light with the aim to protect the forestry areas around the tea estates, such motion is most likely to succeed. Around BOH Estates in Habu site, the research has identified three separate areas forming a ring of integrated activities between the forestry landscape and the tea valley, which will make a clear case for protection of the forest. The case is further forwarded to be included in a potential Unesco Listing that can be classified as an innovative ecotourism activities, with the preservation of Cameron tea valley as a world class tourist destination