Topical Study SBA 4623
This course continues from the prerequisite course of SBA 3122 Research Methodology. At this stage, students are to undertake independent study of the topic of choice, to formulate appropriate research methodology before applying it as an activity of critical inquiry in the field of interest. The inquiry on the specific topic to be explored is done through direct observation, content analysis study or by generating knowledge from primary, secondary or any sources. Eventually, students are to write up the architectural topic of analysis as a final report using the necessary skills they gained from the earlier Research Methodology course.
Each student shall be under the supervision of an individual supervisor who is either an expert on the subject or has adequate interest and association with it as approved by the department. Each student is to undertake an independent, supervised study through content analysis or a limited field observation pertaining to the specific topic of interest, and to present the findings in a final written report (10,000 – 12,000 words or about 50 pages).
2.1 To demonstrate ability to organise an independent study of a convincing logical topic of a particular subject relevant to architecture and its related fields.
2.2 To design and apply methodology, modus operandi and operational technique for the
deliberating the topic for architecture discipline.
2.3 To organise, plan and execute systematic research activity appropriate to
architectural research.
Bernard , H. Russell. 2000. Social Research Methods : Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications.
Creswell, John W. 2003. Research Design : Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Method Approaches. Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications.
Gerring, John. 2001. Social Science Methodology : A Criterial Framework. New York : Cambridge University Press.
Guba E.G. and Lincoln Y.S. 1998. The Landscape of Qualitative Research. Edited by N.K Denzin and Y.S Lincoln. Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications.
Hodder , I .1994. Handbook of Qualitative Research . Edited by Denzin N.K and Lincoln , Y.S. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Walliman, Nicholas. S. R. 2006. Social Research Methods. London : Sage Publications.
Yin, Robert K .2003. Applications of Case Study Research. Thousand Oaks : Sage Publication