Environmental Forensics

Briefly sharing about my research passion, on environmental forensic – also known as multi proxy sediment fingerprinting approach.

Sharing briefly about the approach and the way forward. Apart working with sediments, my research focus is also on River, water Quality and indexing. My love to the rivers and environment.

For those whom could not make it for the talk, herewith sharing the recording of the session.

Pls feel free to contact me to discuss more about my scope, research interest and perhaps we could discuss more about how would could collaborate?

thanks for your time !!

Thank you for those who gave their time on the day.. and for this reading now!. Lets discuss more with a cup of coffee/ tea?
Part 1 of the talk: Session by Dr. Nor Eliza Alias – Climate Change Impact Study-Why and How
Brief Sharing by myself on : Environmental Forensics. Special thanks Rasmussen Foundation ( Special thanks to Rob) & Earthwatch Borneo Project ( Shell international BV) for funding the projects shared in this talk.

Free Webinar : Sharing session with regards Active learning

SKA FREE Sharing Session #5
Date : 24/08/2020 (Monday)
Time : 10-11 am ( Malaysian Timing).

Webex Meeting link:
Meeting number:
170 540 3418
Host key:

Moderator : Dr. Afikah Binti Rahim
Our Speakers :
1) Dr. Kogila Vani Annammala
“Sharing of Simple Active Learning Tips in Class”
2) Dr. Norelyza Hussein
“Improving Student Performance Through Active Learning”

for those who missed it on the day: You can watch the recording from You Tube:


International conference : webinar with Chang’an University

#COVID-19#Work from home

Working from home does not stop from work and progress and research from moving forward.

In-fact, personally I feel it have been more fruitful with better time management. With regards of work, there are/ were many meetings, courses, talks organised online. Which makes one easy to attend: saving cost and Time on transportation. Plus it give the flexibility. Being at home “home-work’ is never ending.

International courses and conference have been made possible, with no reasons to not participate . As Reasonings are another form or excuses ( vani).

Herewith sharing the info of one of the key note presentation details, and conference held in Chang’an University, organised by Professor Pingping, which had more than 110 attendees on the first day. Was a great platform for me to share about my research method, findings and highlight to international arena. These 2 day’s online conference, held 5 keynote speakers, and 3 sessions for 2 days. The sequel of each keynote speakers having 3 sessions, enabled us to share more in details about our work, finding and the way forward.

Was a very fruitful meeting ( personal opinion) . Do drop me an email , or a comment below, if you would like to know the content of this conference. Keynote speakers from UTM includes: Prof Zulkifli, Dr. Nor Eliza and Myself.

Wish you all a pleasant day ahead. Thank you for the time and visiting this site.


Soil erosion in disturbed forests and agricultural plantations in tropical undulating terrain: in situ measurement using a laser erosion bridge method

Journal of Water and Climate Change jwc2019063.
The rapid growth of agricultural plantations and climatic extremes has raised concerns pertaining to enhanced soil erosion. Soil erosion studies are still relatively limited in Malaysia. In this study, soil erosion in four sites such as high conservation value forests (HCVFs), logged forest (LF), mature oil palm (MOP), and mature rubber (MR) within the Kelantan River Basin was measured. A total of 3,207 measurements were conducted via the Modified Laser Erosion Bridge in all sites over 1 year. Results of soil erosion are 87.63, 25.45, 8.44, and 5.90 t ha−1 yr−1 for the HCVF, LF, MOP and MR, respectively – classified as very severe (HCVF), very high (LF), moderate (MP) and slight (MR) according to the Indian condition classification. Steep slope gradient (significant positive correlation to erosion) and logging are the main factors attributed to the high erosion rates. This is to be further explored in the future and more detailed studies should be conducted on the HCVF and LF areas, respectively. Mitigation measures and sustainable agricultural practices should be planned to control and reduce soil erosion.

Sediment clues in flood mitigation: the key to determining the origin, transport, and degree of heavy metal contamination


This study seeks to identify sediment sources, quantify erosion rates, and assess water quality status via sediment fingerprinting, the Modified Laser Erosion Bridge (MLEB) method, and various pollution indices (PIs), respectively, in the humid tropics (Malaysia). Geochemical elements were used as tracers in sediment fingerprinting. Erosion rates were measured at 3,241 points that encompass high conservation value forests (HCVFs); logged forests (LFs); mature oil palm (MOP); and mature rubber (MR) plantations. Annual erosion rates were 63.26–84.44, 42.38, 43.76–84.40, and 5.92–59.32 t ha−1 yr−1 in the HCVF, LF, MOP, and MR, respectively. Via sediment fingerprinting, logging and agricultural plantations were identified as the major contributors of the sediment. PIs also indicated the highest level of pollution in those catchments. This study highlighted three main messages: (i) the feasibility and applicability of the multiproxy sediment fingerprinting approach in identifying disaster-prone areas; (ii) the MLEB as a reliable and accurate method for monitoring erosion rates within forested and cultivated landscapes; and (iii) the adaptation of PIs in providing information regarding the status of river water quality without additional laboratory analyses. The combination of these approaches aids in identifying high-risk and disaster-prone areas for the prioritisation of preventive measures in the tropics.
Full paper available for download :

IC-ENSURES 2019- Download full proceeding book



Dr. Kogila Vani Annammala
Dr. Yong Ee Ling
Dr. Nor Zaiha Arman


Pn. Juhaiza Talib@ Harun


Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Fadhil Md. Din
Dr. Nor Azimah Mohd Zain
Dr. Nor Eliza Alias
Dr. Salmiati
En. Mohd Faiz Foze
Pn. Nurliyana Mahpof
Pn. Siti Hanna Elias
Pn. Zainab Mat Lazim
Cik Ainul Syarmimi Rosli
Cik Nurul Hana Mohamed

Align with enhancing the achievement of SDGs, the goal of IC-ENSURES 2019 is to gather scholars from all over the world to present advances in the relevant fields and to foster an environment conducive to exchanging ideas and information. This conference also provided an ideal environment to develop new collaborations and meet experts on the fundamentals, applications, and products of the mentioned fields. Selected papers will be published under the Special Issue of the participating journals. CESRES 2019 was  held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The conference embraces international keynote speakers from academia, industry and government institution.

More details are uploaded in the Website which I maintain. Feel free to drop by the site: http://ic-ensures.com/about/


Herewith attached the full proceeding for download and reference.

Wish you all a good read !

Proceedings IC-ENSURES 2019

Community responses on effective flood dissemination warnings—A case study of the December 2014 Kelantan Flood, Malaysia

Our new Paper Published in : Journal of Flood Risk Management ( Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2019)

The link to the article : https://doi.org/10.1111/jfr3.12552

Those whom can’t access, pls drop me an email or comment. I will share the article’s content.


Early flood warnings are important to allow sufficient time for evacuation. Although warning systems are now in place, key questions remain as to their effec- tiveness in sending information to the public, which may in part depend on the media used. This paper assesses the effectiveness of warnings disseminated to the public for the December 2014 Kelantan Flood, Malaysia. The flood was the worst in decades making it an appropriate case study with which to assess public aware- ness and perceptions associated with flood warnings and their dissemination. The effectiveness of warnings issued via different media was assessed by questionnaire. Results show that 56% of respondents received warnings prior to the flood, a majority of them through television and information shared among the public. While the preferred medium of warning is not dependent on age, assessment of peoples’ response to warnings shows that with increasing age responsiveness to orders and readiness to evacuate decreases. To increase the number of people receiving the warnings, short message service (SMS) communications sent from the authorities to a wider audience may be considered, as information shared among the public is observed to be most effective in reaching the greatest number of people.


community response, disaster management, effective flood warning, flood disaster




International Conference on

Environmental Sustainability & Resource Security (IC-ENSURES) 2019

5 – 6 November 2019 | Royal Widad Residence, UTMKL



We are pleased to announce that Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Water Security (IPASA), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia is organizing the International Conference on Environmental Sustainability & Resource Security (IC-ENSURES) 2019, which will be held from 5 – 6 November 2019 at the Royal Widad Residence, UTMKL, Malaysia.

IC-ENSURES 2019 is aimed at establishing scientific linkages between the industries and professionals in environmental sustainability and resource security at international level, in order to highlight the latest scientific issues, to share and disseminate the state of the art technology and to set the direction for future work. The theme/ focus of the IC-ENSURES 2019 will be as follows:

  • Energy efficiency
  • Green/ sustainable chemistry
  • Green/ sustainable building construction
  • Green/ sustainable engineering
  • Improved material handling
  • Toxic substances reduction and elimination
  • Waste elimination
  • Environmental nexus
  • Water management
  • Pollution reduction
  • Renewable energy (wind, solar, hydro, geothermal)
  • Biomass, biofuels and biogas
  • Greening the fossil fuels
  • Emerging and advanced green energy
  • Sustainable development and sustainability
  • Hydrology
  • Carbon capture and storage
  • Biofuels
  • Integrated ecosystems management
  • Environmental restoration and ecological engineering
  • Ground water remediation
  • Soil decontamination
  • Eco-technology
  • Bio-engineering
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Resource management
  • Life cycle analysis
  • Environmental systems approach
  • Water resources and river basin management
  • Regulatory practice, water quality objectives standard setting, water quality classification
  • Environmental modelling
  • Big Data for environmental monitoring

All participants planning to present papers in the conference should register online through the conference web page. For further detail, please visit our website www.ic-ensures.com or call us at +607-5531578 (Att.: Dr. Yong Ee Ling/ Dr. Kogila Vani Annammala/ Dr. Nor Zaiha Arman). Please find enclosed the brochure for your attention.


Download the conference brochure: Call for Papers_Participants

Conference on Flood Catastrophes in a Changing Environment 2018 (CFCCE’18)

Conference on Flood Catastrophes in a Changing Environment 2018 (CFCCE’18)


 Conference on Flood Catastrophes in a Changing Environment 2018 (CFCCE’18) was hosted by Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, co-organized by Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Water Security (IPASA) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Asian Network on Climate Science and Technology International Steering Committee (ANCST), Southeast Asia Disaster Prevention Research Initiative (SEADPRI) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Key Laboratory of Watershed Geographic Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (WSGS) and Poyang Lake Aquatic and Wetland Ecosystem Observation and Research Station, CAS.

About 9 invited speakers with 71participants from 16 universities or centres met in Nanjing, China, from 15th to 18th November 2018 to exchange ideas or philosophies and excellent practices, build then strengthen collaborations, and converse the research topics regarding CFCCE’18. The papers presented during the conference are being invited to submit for Special Issue on Hydrology Research.

Rapid development of urbanization affects the green space for rainwater retention is greatly reduced those initiating flood catastrophes all over the world. Consequently, flood risk reduction and sustainable water resources growth are significant to be focused globally. The conference comprises multidisciplinary researches that conventionally assisting studies and activities related to disaster risk reduction and management, besides climate change variation and modification through analysis and other services. The subsequent conference is provided keynote speeches by professional researchers, exchange of research findings (research presentations) including scientific field trip.

Following the CFCCE 2018 in Nanjing, the Chair of the Conference has organized a Special Issue of “Flood Catastrophes in a Changing Environment” on Hydrology Research.This Special Issue of Hydrology Research will present the latest research outcomes on floods, and provide a forum for researchers and managers to share the latest research outcomes on floods in typical areas around the world.

On the following topics:

  • Climate change and floods
  • Human activities and floods
  • Prediction of flood events
  • Flood mitigation in urban areas
  • Watershed flood management
  • Transboundary effects and issues on floods


Chairman: Professor Qi Zhang, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGLAS) (http://wsgs.niglas.cas.cn/english/Staff/Professors/201601/t20160115_323131.html)

Co-chairman: Professor Zulkifli Yusop, University Teknologi Malaysia (http://www.utm.my/ipasa2017/professor-dr-zulkifli-yusop/)

Members include:

  • ProfessorLu Zhang, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS
  • ProfessorQing Zhu, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS
  • Associate ProfessorXiaolong Wang, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS
  • Associate ProfessorXianghu Li, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS
  • Associate ProfessorYunliang Li, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS
  • Kogila Vani Annammala, Department of Water and Environmental Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, University Teknologi Malaysia
  • Nor Eliza Alias, Department of Water and Environmental Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, University Teknologi Malaysia
  • Zhiqiang Tan, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS
  • Sanyuan Jiang, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS
  • Jing Yao, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS
  • Dan Zhang, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS
  • Hui Xie, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS
  • Yongwei Liu, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS


Picture of the Event organisers: Prof Zulkifli Yusof, Prof Qi Zhang and my self.

Picture above: Professor Zulkifli Yusop , The co-chairman of CFCCE’2018, Dean of Resource Sustainability Research Alliance Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and a member of  Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Water Security (IPASA).

Picture above: Application of environmental forensic approach for flood mitigation–Case studies in Malaysia by Dr. Kogila Vani Annammala (IPASA-UTM)

Picture above: Oral presentation by Dr.Nor Eliza Alias from IPASA-UTM entitled Considering a Trans-boundary Regional Extreme Rainfall Homogenous Region for Climate Change Analysis
























Immediate Vacancy: Masters by Research (MPhil) in UTM

“thank you to all those whom applied and responded. Glad to inform that this position is now been filled”

Immediate Vacancy: Masters by Research (MPhil) -( Water and Environmental Engineering)

Project: Environmental Forensic Approach for Assessing the Effects of Landscape Modification on Sedimentation and Water Quality in Moyog River Catchment,Sabah

we are in midst of looking for researchers whom are keen to continue their postgraduate research for Mphil in UTM under field of Water and Environmental Engineering.

Pls drop me an email for more details.

Immediate vacancy available. Allowance available for local candidates.