Archives for April 2016

Pronunciation can be hard..Have you been pronouncing these brand names correctly?

This is NOT what an educational institution should be advocating!

Flower Power..Sweet images of animals sniffing spring flowers sweep the web

LOL! Utterly pointless signs that state the bleedin’ obvious

Hopeful…The cholesterol drug ‘that kills prostate cancer’

SubhanAllah. Chinese scientists grow mouse embryos in space

Assalamualaikum. Alhamdulillah, I’ve arrived at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah this morning to attend SOSHUM2016. Looking forward to present my paper on Day Two. See you there.

RED ALERT!! Cops on high alert following reports of imminent terror attack by Turkish duo

Come for the knowledge sharing session – 6th International Conference on Biotechnology for the Wellness Industry (ICBWI)

An interesting development in the spread of ISLAM in the UK…may HAQ prevail over BATIL