
Seriaznita Mat Said (B. Ed. TESL, M.S. TESL, PhD TESL) has been an educator and education researcher for the past 25 years. She has written a respectable number of indexed journal articles and book chapters; contributed short journalistic reports for her university; and reviewed international conference proceedings and indexed journal manuscripts. At present, she is the Principal Investigator for a research project entitled ESL Learning Model for Grammatical Correctness in Complementary with Employability for Science and Engineering Students. This study stems from the belief that English language skills are considered part of prized employability today irrespective of the academic fields of fresh graduates. However, a perturbing number of graduates has problems with written communication compared to oral communication. This is because the latter can utilize paralinguistic and non-verbal features to express and understand the intended message. The former demands aspects such as accurate grammar, punctuation, spelling and vocabulary.