A revolutionary approach to cancer which tailors treatment to each patient, known as ‘personalised medicine’, is six times as effective as traditional methods, a landmark study has found.
Something to look forward to: Personalised treatment is better at beating cancer
I don’t diet..Low fat diet is bad for your health says new study
Heart doctor Aseem Malhotra said a low fat diet is, “perhaps the biggest mistake in modern medical history resulting in devastating consequences for public health”
Great idea!! 10 hobbies that cost little or no money to take up
Hobbies have long been proven to boost levels of well-being, and research from San Francisco State University has found that pursuing extra-curricular activities can even improve job performance . So if you ever find yourself in a bit of a rut, traipsing from home to work and back again and doing little in the evenings apart from vegging out on the sofa, you might want to think about trying out a new pastime to help improve your quality of life. …
Natural healing is the best way: Cancer breakthrough uses ‘Natural Killer’ cells you are born with too
Fascinating video footage shows how white blood cells can be manipulated to attack skin, breast and prostate cancers that would normally kill