I was appointed as an editorial board member for The International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability (IJBES). This journal is indexed by Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Asean Citation Index, UDLedge Social Science & Humanities Citation Index (SS&HI), Focus, MyCite, MyJurnal, Google Scholar. IJBES is an international peer-reviewed journal addressing the present research, developments, and best practices in the field of the built environment, including Urban and Regional Planning, Architecture, Quantity Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Construction and Building and Infrastructure Development in view of social, cultural, economic and environmental sustainability. If you have any papers or manuscripts that you would want to submit, you may want to consider IJBES as one of the potential options for your submission. Please let me know if this is something you are interested in.
#editorialboardmembers #IJBES #journal #publications #ISI #PeerReviewed #UTM #GIS #3DGIS