We are proposing a Book Volume entitled “Advances in Geoinformatics Technologies: Facilities and Utilities Optimization and Management for Smart City Applications” for publication by Springer. I am therefore pleased to invite you to write a chapter on any topic related to the book’s theme. For your information, the book will cover the following topics (but are not limited to):
Geoinformation Modelling
- 3D City Modeling and Visualization
- Building Information Modeling (BIM)
- Processing of Spatial Imagery
- Hazard Assessment, Flood Modelling, and Coastal Erosion
Geo-Smart City Applications
- Urban Informatics
- GIS Technology for Smart City Applications
Geoinformation Technologies
- Geoinformation for Mobile
- Geo AI
- Geospatial Cloud Computing
- Wireless and Mobile GIS
- Geospatial Big-data and Data Mining
- Coastal Vulnerability Assessment
- Hydro-Meteorological Hazard
Information System and Computer Science
- Machine Learning
- High-Performance Computing & Parallel Computing
- Internet of Things IoT
- Wearable Technologies and Wireless Sensor Networks
Geolocation and Positioning
- Collective Sensing and Geo-spatial Big Data
- Laser Scanning
- Location-Based Services
The timeline for this publication is as follows:
Submission of Abstract with TOC: 30.07.2022
Submission of Chapter: 15.10.2022
Submission of Revised Version of Chapter: 15.03.2023
Submission of Chapter to Publisher: 25.03.2023
Anyone interested in contacting me should use my email address, mduznir@utm.my. We look forward to interacting with you and eagerly await your response.