I wish to extend an invitation to submit a manuscript for the new article collection on “3D City Modelling in Built Environment” for the Frontiers in Built Environment journal.
This collection is being produced in collaboration with Frontiers in Built Environment. All research will be published in Open Access. Additionally, we aim to put together a free ebook of all published manuscripts to provide an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of the latest research developments in the field.
If you would like feedback on a manuscript’s suitability, please submit an abstract (or proposed research overview) by 23 September. As we publish on a rolling basis, you are welcome to submit your final manuscript before the deadline of 22 November. We can also accommodate personal extensions.
You can read more about the collection here: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/44429/3d-city-modelling-in-built-environment#overview.
If you do not wish to participate but know someone who might, please feel free to share this call for participation with your acquaintance.
Many thanks.
Uznir Ujang, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Editor)
Ihab Hijazi, TU Munich and Nusret Demir, Akdeniz University (Co-Editors)