I’m going to share about how active my courses are during this online learning semester. According to the table, my average “student hits” until week 10 were 5,000.
When divided by the average total number of students, each student accesses my teaching course 20 times per week on average. Students do it voluntarily, and as a result, the Active Index (EL5) for online learning rises to 150 or higher.
The university requested to achieve Active Index = 28. I believe that my achievement of this index can be used as one of the measuring indicators in evaluating the structure of my teaching courses.
During this online learning, I see the need for an approach that can make the teaching material interesting. The lecturer’s value given in the courses will be subconsciously appreciated by the students. Students will voluntarily participate in and enjoy the courses.
Many thanks to the UTM elearning system for providing a reliable platform for managing the courses I teach. It aids lecturers and students in the teaching and learning process.
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