Normally, you will teach the same subject in a particular semester. You also need to prepare all the materials related to the subject in the UTM e-learning at the beginning of the semester. You need to repeat the same process all over again with all contents of your e-learning including all information and setting, evaluation format, teaching materials and questions.
How to avoid this situation? What you need to do is make a backup and download the metadata of your e-learning at the end of semester. This backup will copy almost exactly everything so that you can reload this file whenever you need.
Here are the simple steps to do it:
Login you e-learning account as usual. Then follow the steps from (a) to (g) below:
- (a)
- (b) Initial setting – Just click the next button
- (c) Schema setting – Just click the next button
- (d) Confirmation and review – Proceed by clicking the perform button at the bottom of the page.
- (e) The progress of performing backup.
- (f) Complete – click the continue button
- (g) The created file will be located in user private backup area. Download the file in your harddisk.
How to restore the backup metadata file? [ Coming soon]