Creating multiple-choice questions in e-learning UTM

Lecturers of UTM can create the online multiple-choice questions in the e-learning UTM. Just follow the these simple steps in pictures for creating objective questions with one correct answer from 4 choices.

(1) Login the UTM e-learning using your account.

(2) Creating the categories according to the chapter’s name.

(3) Start creating a question.

(4)  Preparing the choices of answers.

(5) Saving the question and the choices.

(6)  Congratulation !!! You have done it. For the next question, repeat the step 3, 4, and 5. This is the question created with it choices of answers.


[ How to create an online quiz in your e-learning? ]

Writing equations in Office 2011 for Mac

Sometime we need to write a mathematical symbols, an equation or an expression in some applications especially Word and Powerpoint in Office 2011 for Mac that aren’t possible to type from the keyboard. The Office provide the Equation option to solve this equation problem.

However, through my experienced been teaching for more than a decade, it is not too flexible in term of editing and manipulate the equation created especially in Powerpoint in preparing the lecture note such as the subject of Digital Logic. Therefore, another option to overcome this is using the Equation Editor in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint within Office 2011.

Here are some steps in pictures as a guideline on how to activate the Equation Editor from Word 2011. It can be also do the same steps in Powerpoint 2011.

The created equation using the Equation Editor can be copied and paste into the Word and Powerpoint. Here is an example of some equations or expressions that used in the subject of Digital Logic written in both Equation option in Word and Equation Editor itself.


Besides of the beautiful representation of equation written using Equation Editor, the equation size display can be resized and relocated easily in Powerpoint 2011 particularly.

How to create a feedback form in wordpress?


Here are some steps to create your own feedback form on your wordpress blog easily.

Login into your wordpress account and start by adding a new page under menu [Pages –> Add New].

Then, just follow the steps shown by the following pictures.






Quran: Is the waaw exist in recitation?

(This is based on the quran with Rasm Uthmani script).

existHow to recite the verse with this situation found in the quran as illustrate in the picture?

Does the waaw exist in the writing but not exist in recitation ?

This is only an example for explaination. There are few places in different verse in some surahs of quran. The basic guideline is whenever the waaw has a fathah ( ⁄ ), then the waaw need to be in the recitation. Otherwise, just ignore the existence of the waaw during the recitation.

While reciting quran, we need to identify this situation and recite it correctly.

Quran: Hamza’ with 1 or 2 ‘harakat’?



(This is based on the quran with Rasm Uthmani script).

Sometimes it is confused to recite a verse from quran that contain hamzah with either 1 or 2 harakat length rate. Here is a guideline can be used to differentiate those two length rate easily, especially whenever together with ‘alif, waaw and yaa’.


Once found a hamza’, identify the position in the particular word or verse. The length rate is based on this situation that can see clearly. Please refer to the picture above to view the different.


Template of letter using official FC letterhead

Just want to share a template of a letter that fit to the official letterhead paper of the Faculty of Computing (FC), UTM. Normally, the official letter using the FC letterhead requires a reference number that will be produced and recorded by the faculty in a related file to the letter. This reference number for the letter must be obtained from the office of FC.

The template file in MS Word here can be used without adding/deleting any line before the reference number line. You may edit any text after the reference number line including the receiver address and the content of the letter.

Writing thesis with Latex

Few steps to do before using the Latex template file.

(1) Download and install the Latex software


For Windows users For Mac users
MikTex TexShop


(2) Download the Latex template.


For System Development Project For Research Based Project
TemplateSystem TemplateResearchBased



How to use Latex !!!
You may refer to these Latex course file [ Part 1 ] [ Part 2 ]