Rethinking the Way we Teach Science

Chapter 1 (on wonder) Often people take science to be about natures wonder, but it isnt. Science is not series of National Geographics special on volcanos or fantastic world within microscope or the birth of star- Its how we understand these things. In order to seek...

Self-reflection of Nina teaching development

As an educator, I believe the need to create engaging environment, give real problem, challenge the students, supports then, give feedback and provide insights throughout the learning process. However, in this pandemic where it is definitely a challenge for both...

Personal Philosophy of Nina

I remember vividly, I was having discussion with Prof Fatin in the car during our way back from an event. At that time, I was curious on how she can teach so well. It was 2015- and I did not know that she is from educational background. Basically, I just know her as...

Belief and practices of assessment and evaluation

Personally, I really love to have a feedback via constructive evaluation. I have always belief that human need to be inject with motivation to boost us up and goes beyond extraordinary. Evaluation and assessment is crucial for human development, hence it would be best...

Goals of Learning

When I was a kid, I have always think that via learning – it can be a ticket to choose your career. However, as I grow, learn, unlearn and relearn- my perspectives on goals of learning broaden. I realize the importance of empowering the human potential. Just like the...

The 7 Poor and 6 Good learning behavior

The ‘seven poor learning tendencies’ are:a. Impulsive attention – some parts of the information are thought about, otherparts are ignoredb. Superficial attention – skimming over or scanning the information withoutmaking an effort to process and understand itc....