When I was a kid, I have always think that via learning – it can be a ticket to choose your career. However, as I grow, learn, unlearn and relearn- my perspectives on goals of learning broaden. I realize the importance of empowering the human potential. Just like the laws of physics on potential energy, we know that every object has potential energy and that energy of the object energy is stored – or conserved based on the position, arrangement or state of the object or substance. Looking into perspective, every human has energy that has the ‘potential’ to do work. Hence, as an educator, it is our role to makes use of our capacity in equipping and improving through learning, studying, training, and practice.

Me myself as an Educator-I need to have a clear goal on the learning first, and then it will be clearer to disseminate to the students so they will have crystal clear learning goals. Upholding the core value of UTMians, I believe that every academicians and students needs to aims for excellence- and in the process to achieve that- the integrity, sustainability and synergy need to be adopted.
It is important to emphasize to the students that learning is no longer limit to their transcript, it’s beyond their future. Learning is no longer behind the four walls, but learning requires them to explore the world. We are no longer giving them torchlight to use when they stuck in the dark days, but we need to prepare them and equip them on the development of the torch under any circumstances. So they can develop their very own torchlight and innovate to be used in their future.

We need to lay out the real world to the students. Give them perspective, give them major real world problem- challenge them. I learn about the needs to challenge our students from the webinar by CEE UTM- How to Help Your Stem Students Become Self-Directed Learners given by Prof. Richard Felder and Prof Rebecca Brint. They both emphasizes that students will learn better if we challenge them, give them real context of the world. The inductive teaching and learning is essential and will definitely empower our student ultimately prepares them as the complex problem solver.

The mind blowing principles that I have learn about the goal of learning is to have such a strong pillar of both challenges and support. It is crucial to have both to ensure high skilled development of our students.
Hence, to translate this concept into action requires a lot of efforts and commitment. I realize, I have a lot to do with myself first before I challenge my students. I need to know and explore the real problem and table it to the students. In doing so, i also need to make sure they were given the full support in term of material, motivation and content.