Category Archives: big data

MUO Subject Matter Expert

Alhamdulillah I’ve been appointed as a subject matter expert for MUO. Honestly, being a MUO Subject Matter Expert is no easy task. It demands a comprehensive understanding of knowledge and skills in geospatial analytics. The insights and analysis that SMEs will provide are used to make critical decisions that affect billions of people. And that’s why I’m quite nervous about receiving this appointment. Let’s move forward!

“The things you are passionate about are not random, they are your calling.” – Fabienne Fredrickson

Bengkel Hadoop dan Map Reduce

Antara skill yang perlu sentiasa dipraktikkan dan mesti mahir. Terima kasih DrSuzanna Azmi dan Dr. Ak Mohd Rafiq sanggup ke UTHM Pagoh menelaah ilmu big data. Highest gratitude to Dr Mufti Mahmud for very patiently guiding the non-programmer (like 3 of us. haha).