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Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera warga Kampus,
Assalamualaikum w.b.t dan Salam Sejahtera,
Y.Bhg. Prof. / Prof. Madya / Sr. / Dr. / Saudara,
12/9/2017 – 14/9/2017
*Pihak PKU memohon maaf jika terdapat sebarang kesulitan da
Terima kasih.
YBhg. Prof./Saudara,
Sukacitanya, seluruh warga Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) dijemput untuk hadir ke Majlis Perhimpunan Bulanan (September)bersama YBhg. Datuk Naib Canselor pada Isnin, 11 September 2017.
Sebagai makluman, sesi “UTM Global Plan Phase III (PGU III) and Beyond (enVision UTM 2025)” akan diadakan selepas Perhimpunan Bulanan YBhg Datuk Naib Canselor bertempat di Dewan Sultan Iskandar bermula jam 10.30 pagi.
i. Dewan Sultan Iskandar, UTM Johor Bahru
– Pakaian korporat.
Atur cara:
7.40 pagi : Staf mengambil tempat
8.00 pagi : Ketibaan YBhg. Datuk Naib Canselor
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: Bacaan Doa
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: Penyampaian sijil kenaikan pangkat, dll (UTM JB & UTM KL)
: Lagu Keunggulan Terbilang
: Bersurai
Segala sokongan dan komitmen YBhg. Prof/Saudara untuk hadir amatlah dihargai.
Sekian dimaklumkan.
Salam Sejahtera
YBhg Prof. / Prof Madya / Dr. / Saudara,
Best Regards,
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Deputy Registrar
Advanced Informatics School (UTM AIS)
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Assalamualaikum wbt / Salam Sejahtera,
Dear UTM researchers,
You are cordially invited to attend a talk by Prof. Ricardo Martinez-Botas. The details of the talk are as follows:
Topics : Low Carbon Transport Technologies Towards 2050 : Checks and Balances
Date / Time : 13th, September 2017 (Wednesday) / 10.00 am
Venue : Dewan Seminar Menara Razak
Speaker : Prof. Ricardo Martinez Botas
(Turbomachinery Professor, Imperial College London)
For UTM staff, your attendance will be recorded in UTMSmile system
For confirmation of attendance, kindly go to:
As we move towards a low carbon economy, this lecture will address the key issues in vehicle technologies attainable now, in 2020 and finally moving towards 2050. The transport sector is both a vital element of modern economies and a major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In 2007, transport globally was responsible for 6.6 Gt of CO2 emissions, around 23% of all energy-related CO2 emissions. This could grow by about 40% by 2030 on the IEA’s “business as usual” scenario. Transport is a relatively costly area in which to achieve big CO2 mitigation savings compared to some other sectors, such as power generation and buildings efficiency. But, given current understanding, transport emissions will have to be addressed to meet both the global and GHG emission reduction targets, which aim to “prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system”. Improving the efficiency of vehicles with conventional powertrains is a clear target that cannot be underestimated. It is and relatively low cost option for transport carbon saving. A significant CO2 reduction (perhaps 50% of the current fleet average), should be achievable with known technology and with less than perhaps 20% increment to vehicle costs. This is mainly through efficient, down-sized, light-weight engines, light-weight materials, and reduced vehicle size. Fleet efficiency standards – such as those being set for the EU – are a good way of driving this. Electrification of the powertrain, in the widest sense, is an attractive option for light duty vehicles because it can open the door to a family of very efficient and flexible vehicle options. These include ICE hybrids, plug-in ICE hybrids, fuel cell hybrids and electric vehicles. Between them they offer considerable flexibility in terms of consumer choice and of the national low carbon transition plan. Most of the savings from plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles will depend on the success of the Government’s strategy for de-carbonising power generation as well as investment on fueling/recharging strategies.
Focusing on Malaysia, the transportation sector contributes about 28% of the country-total CO2 emission. Road transport alone is responsible for 85% of the total transport sector CO2 emission. Malaysian population is approximately 5% of the whole ASEAN – but it has the highest greenhouse gas (GHG) emission-per-capita in ASEAN. Transport sector is one of the biggest contributors to this statistic, thus it is essential to have “checks and balances” in the implementation of vehicle technology options.
About speaker
Ricardo is a Professor of Turbomachinery and Head of the Thermofluids Division in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London. He has a MEng Degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Imperial College London and obtained a doctorate from the University of Oxford University in 1993.
He is a member of the Science Advisory Council at the Department for Transport (UK). He undertook the independent overseer role in the UK on Vehicle Emission Program following the concerns over real emissions on the roads for Diesel engines.
The UK Vehicle Emissions program contributed directly to the much needed evidence of the emissions of diesel light duty vehicles, focusing on nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions. The program produces emission testing report which was presented to the UK parliament in April 2016.
Ricardo leads a research group in the area of low carbon vehicles with particular emphasis on highly downsized engines, turbochargers and energy storage systems. He has developed the area of unsteady flow aerodynamics of small turbines, with particular application to the turbocharger industry. The contributions to this area centred on the application of unsteady fluid mechanics, instrumentation development and computational methods. The work has attracted support not only from government agencies but also from industry.
He is the currently the chair for UK University Internal Combustion Engines Group (UnICEG) and he is also vice-chair of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Turbomachinery Committee. He is a Visiting Professor in the Universiti Teknologi of Malaysia (UTM) and the Nanyang Technological University Singapore (NTU). He has published over 90 journal papers and he is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Turbomachinery (ASME) and the Journal of Mechanical
Engineering Science (IMechE).
Duli Yang Maha Mulia Permaisuri Johor
Harap maklum, terima kasih.
Pejabat Hal Ehwal Korporat / Office of Corporate Affairs
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
Pejabat Pendaftar
UTM Kuala Lumpur
Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra
54100 W.P Kuala Lumpur Office: 03-2615 4830 | Fax: 03-2693 4344
Assalamualaikum w.b.t dan Salam Sejahtera,
YBhg. Prof/ Prof Madya/Dr.
Dengan segala hormatnya adalah saya merujuk kepada perkara di atas.
2. Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa Kerajaan Jepun telah memanjangkan permohonan kepada Kerajaan Malaysia untuk menyertai kerjasama teknikal dalam bidang sains dan teknologi (SATREPS) bagi tahun kewangan 2018. Tujuan utama kerjasama ini adalah untuk mewujudkan satu jaringan kerjasama antarabangsa di kalangan negara-negara membangun bagi menangani isu-isu global di dalam bidang sains dan teknologi.
3. Sehubungan dengan itu, Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) yang berminat perlulah mengemukakan cadangan projek / penyelidikan baru untuk dipertimbangkan bagi tahun kewangan 2018. Penyelidik UTM yang berminat perlu menghantar borang permohonan lengkap (hardcopy) dan emelkan softcopy kepada RMC ( atau sebelum atau pada 10 September 2017 (Ahad) untuk tindakan kami sebelum dikemukakan kepada pihak JPT, KPT.
4. Bersama-sama ini disertakanSurat Makluman Pembukaan Permohonan SATREPS, Format Permohonan seperti di Lampiran A, Garis Panduan Kerjasama Teknikal (Needs Survey Guidance) SATREPS di Lampiran B dan Senarai Permohonan SATREPS 2018 seperti di Lampiran C untuk makluman dan tindakan YBhg. Prof/ Prof Madya/Dr. selanjutnya.
Untuk sebarang pertanyaan berhubung perkara ini, bolehlah menghubungi pegawai di RMC – En. Amirul Nizam/Pn. Raja Rozita (ext 37822) atau pegawai di JPT yang berkenaan, Puan Siti Fazlina binti Mohd Sani di talian 03 – 8870 6959.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Hartini binti Darsono
Deputy Registrar
Research Management Centre
UTM, Johor Bahru
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