UTM-MOOC starts offering certificate to selected courses!

UTM-MOOC now starts offering certificate to selected courses such as Telecommunication and Networking, Research Methods in Education, Web-based Multimedia Development and many more. We have tested the system and this is how an example of the certificate of completion looks like for my course; Telecommunication & Networking for a price of AUD $5:

cert MOOC


LOG on to www.openlearning.com/utm to learn MORE COURSES for FREE!!

FameLab 2017 for Scientist! Attractive Prizes to be Won

I received an interesting email about FameLab competition. Please read and join if you have what it takes!

Calling all young Scientists, Engineers, Technologists, Mathematicians & All STEM enthusiast (Ages 18-37) with a passion for public engagement to participate in FameLab Malaysia 2017!

FameLab Poster A4

  • FameLab is inviting scientists, mathematicians and engineers across Malaysia to take part in its flagship science communications competition.
  • Contestants have just 3 minutes to convey a scientific concept of their choice.
  • They will be judged by leading researchers, media personalities and science policy makers on the content, clarity and charisma of their presentation.
  • 10 FameLab finalists will receive a weekend COMMUNICATION MASTERCLASS run by some of the best science communicators from the United Kingdom. This is one of the biggest prizes for all FameLab finalists. The finalists will learn why public engagement is important, develop invaluable media and presentation skills, and get the opportunity to network with scientists from many different scientific fields!
  • The Malaysia winner receives RM3,000 cash prize and represents Malaysia to compete against over 30 other contestants from around the world atThe Times Cheltenham Science Festival in June 2017.

And as former Famelab Malaysia participants yourself we want you to join us again for the 3rd year!

Find out more about FameLab 2017 at www.britishcouncil.my/famelab & at http://www.might.org.my/

For enquiries, please contact myfamelab@britishcouncil.org.my or myfamelab@might.org.my

Apply now until 19 February 2016!

Majlis eLearning IPTA @ UniMaP 

Using elearning for teaching and learning has become increasingly important. In Malaysia, eLearning council at higher education level was formed not long ago considering the fact that learning anytime and anywhere has to take place in public universities in Malaysia.

As for today.. I am in Perlis! We have a MEIPTA meeting on 27th May 2016. And Perlis is a beauty of green paddy field. Check out the photo below:

I look forward to the meeting as many important decisions related to UTM-MOOC project will be made.

Using Scratch: Exciting application to teach/learn programming!

Malaysia Ministry of Education organized ICT competition where high school students are exposed to various ICT tools for learning. 

One of the competition includes e-Creative where students have to develop a program based on a given theme and they have to use the Scratch program.

I was invited to introduced the students about what this program is all about by SMKV Indahpura.

If you would like to start learning programming, Scratch would be a good programming application to help you to start!

Go to Scratch website. 

  • Its free and can be downloaded into your local PC. 
  • Also available for Mac users