I am delighted to inform that I have been appointed as an Editorial Board member for Discover Education, a journal published by a leading global publisher, Springer Nature. I am looking forward to contributing to the advancement of knowledge.
Academic Staff
Be sure to check out my article on predicting metaverse acceptance using the extended Technology Acceptance Model. In this article, I thoroughly explore novel variables within the Technology Acceptance Model, showcasing their superior explanatory power compared to traditional variables.
The article has been published under a subscription model. The abstract is available for viewing, but full access is granted solely to Springer subscribers: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42979-024-03015-9
My article in the field of cyberpsychology, focusing on the acceptance of Technology-Enhanced Learning, was published in Current Psychology, a top-tier journal by Springer Nature.
You’re welcome to access the article here: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12144-022-02996-1
Our paper with the title “Challenges and barriers to e-leadership participation: Examining the perspectives of Malaysian secondary school teachers” was published at Education and Information Technologies journal.
You’re welcome to access the article here: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10639-023-12206-5
The following architectures are my proposed idea for the implementation of online learning via OLE to support students in Higher Education. Its combine the technology of IoT to map and understand online behavior so that students can be further supported in online learning.
It is part of my keynote / invited speaker speech at ICoMSE 2019. Out of sudden, COVID 19 became a global crisis. I believes the framework is imperative in ensuring a sustainable online learning.
If you are interested, please read my paper entitled Technology-Assisted Cognitive Augmentation: An OLE Prototype to Nurture Cognitive Skills in Chemistry published in AIP Conference Proceedings 2215, 020021 (2020).
May ALLAH protect us from the pandemic.