Closing of PAS Research Grant

My PAS Research Grant Scheme had eventually ended this year. Alhamdulillah, it had significantly exceeding its KPI with 8 SCOPUS papers (KPI=1 SCOPUS), 7 International Conference Proceedings (KPI=0) and 1 non-indexed publication (KPI=0) generated as output.

Published Paper

Alhamdulillah. My PhD student, Sultan Alshammari’s manuscript was accepted and published by Research Journal of Applied Sciences. He paper is entitled he Effectiveness of Video Games in Enhancing Students’ Learning.

Third Paradigm Academia

I am the third paradigm academia of Malaysia. The first generation focus on teaching. The second generation focus on teaching and research.

My generation, we focus on research as the main core. Hope the government will maintain a sustainable budget to the scientific research in Malaysia.


University is an Utopia. Scholars work together to enhanced mankind living. Research is the center and core businesses of its community. Research culture embraces the university at every single second. The whole university being lighted with faith, wisdom and knowledge.

Malaysia is maneuvering toward being a scientific society.

Early Morning Idea and Inspiration

This early morning, I got an idea about further thrust in my digital natives research. Yet, I am looking at something big that contribute largely to the body of knowledge. Research from Prof. Dr. Timothy Teo inspired my scholar adventure. His works gave a significant impact to the scientific community.

I am Looking forward to be better and better day by day in scholarly work.