i-sihat Sept 2016


Minyak aromaterapi dan kenapa saya pilih utnuk menggunakannya:

  1. Ia merupakan alat bantu untuk recharge bila-bila masa badan memerlukannya

“Recharge secara percuma: anda boleh recharge dengan duduk di tepi pantai, berhampiran air terjun atau pergi ke kawasan yg banyak pokok utk membolehkan system tubuh badan menyerap ion negatif….

Penggunaan minyak pati mampu menyeimbangkan kembali ion +ve yg banyak dalam tubuh. Minyak pati bunga berupaya membantu kerana ia sebenarnya bergetar. Minyak pagi bunga ros mempunyai getaran paling tinggi 320 megahertz, lavender (118)…. “(ISihat, 2016)

2.   Ada antara minyak aromaterapi yang lebih sesuai saya panggil sebagai minyak pati tersebut adalah minyak yang mempunyai ciri antibakteria Contoh:


Eucalyptus; Peppermint; Lavendar; Tea Tree Oil ; Bergamot; Lemon grass; Oregano; Thyme, Clove dan Rosemarry

[Sumber : https://healthyfocus.org/8-powerful-antibacterial-essential-oils/]

3. Ia juga mempunyai 3 ciri antibakteria, antifungal dan anti oksidan contohnya geranium

[Sumber : https://healthyfocus.org/8-powerful-antibacterial-essential-oils/]

***Akan datang saya akan kongsikan antara “remedy” yang telah saya cuba menggunakan minyak pati ini untuk membantu dalam kehidupan saya sehari-hari.





Scholars Inn KL and Apple Pie

Seriously I want to promote my own university’s product …errrr you can say kind of UTM product ;).

If any of you happen to stay at Scholars Inn, I really recommend that you try apple pie at the Scholars Inn deli. The apple pie with the custard sauce is a very nice appetizer and I really like it so much…not so sweet just nice ….

so don’t forget to order for it if you happen to be somewhere around there 😉



Sharing the picture of the apple pie…I give it 5 star 😉

URL for Academic Advisor

As an academic adviser in Faculty of Computing, this book might be very important for you to study:

Peraturan Akademik

Peraturan Akademik

Sept 1st, 2016: Workshop on Analyzing and Reviewing Research Paper – Jurnal Teknologi Special Issue

Trying to play my role today…however these are lessons to be learned to avoid you from being mentally exhausted in your task:

  • no internet line even wifi today – maybe we are choosing the wrong hotspot from the numerous choices we have (but still there’s no coverage) got my celcom broadband and end up i’m being the one stop center for everything. So must have a backup files everywhere.
  • should have a clear modus operandi from yesterday and not on THE DAY- you will not be flabbergasted with  whatever info on demand you have to answer
  •   try to be as +(ve) as you can and try not to panic

Aug 30th, 16: CEE & iPHEX papers Discussion with CEE

The most important thing that I’ve learned today:

  • if you want to make your teaching worth it, try your best to do it in the Scholarly way.
  • Scholarly way means that you have to have a grounding principle you use in your teaching
  • Grounding principle you can get from thorough literature review.  So from there, design your module based on the grounding theory  – report what you observed – then publish. Publish is the way to go in imparting or sharing your knowledge to others
  • another important thing is Computer Education in Malaysia has a lot potential as field of research as there are not much researchers venturing into this area.
  • There are lots of other important things being discussed today. However one of the important thing which stuck in my mind and I hoped it will be forever stick in my mind) – IKHLAS (SINCERE):You have to be sincere in whatever you do so even though what you do is just a little thing or you thought it did’nt mean much for you …but Insha Allah it goes a long way….

Looking forward for the next – Collaboration Workshop with CEE and Robokar Team 3rd October (Monday) – hopefully not on 8am-10am – I have my lecture at that time