Software Engineering SCSJ2203

Second Lecture [21/9/17]

In Class Problem Solving [software Process Model]


First Lecture [14/9/17]

Complete these three tasks based on the instruction given:

Task 1

FIRST VIDEO: Teams versus Groups 

Based on the first video, “Teams versus Groups” please write an essay in 100 words on the difference between team and group. Your essay should comprised of:

  • Definition of both concepts
  • The difference between both concepts
  • Based on your own point of view, describe which concept is suitable to be implemented for this subject.

*Individul work: you are given 15-20 mins to finish your essay and complete it with your name and matrix number

Task 2

SECOND VIDEO: John Maxell the 5 Levels of Leadership     

Summarize the video of “John Maxwell the 5 levels of leadership” in 100 words.

*Individual work: you are given 15-20 mins to finish your essay and complete it with your name and matrix number

Task 3

THIRD VIDEO: What Is Software Engineering Anyway?

Answer the following questions regarding the creator of the video (Chris ) point of view on “What is Software Engineering Anyway”. Please answer in proper sentences based on the specified questions

[you can also refer to the Lecture Notes: Introduction to Software Engineering]

  1. Why Software Engineering important?
  2. Explain the complexity software engineering specifically regarding his project at Wegmans.
  3. Describe the difference between computer science and software engineering.
  4. Explain his view on teamwork in software engineering.
  5. Relate the importance of software engineering to your own majoring (SCSR, SCSV, SCSJ) after viewing the video.

*Team work: Choose your team members (either 2 or 3 person in a team). The time given to complete the questions is based on the instructor. Please include the name and matrix numbers of all the team members when you submit your answer. There is no restriction based on number of words to answer the question.