SPACE KL : Software Engineering sem 1 2017/2018

INSTRUCTOR : Dr Shahliza Abd Halim and Dr Mohd Adham Isa


This course is designed to give students an introduction to an engineering approach in the development of high quality software systems. It will discuss the important software engineering concepts in the various types of the common software process models. The students will also learn the concepts and techniques used in each software development phase including requirements engineering, software design and software testing. This course will also expose the students to utilizing object-oriented method (e.g. UML) and tools in analyzing and designing the software. At the end of this course, students are expected to be able to appreciate most of the common software engineering concepts and techniques as well as producing various software artifacts, documentations, and deliverables.



By the end of the course, students should be able to:

No. Course Learning Outcome Programme Learning Outcome(s) Addressed Assessment Methods


Ability to define the key terminologies related to Software Engineering principles and approaches.


PO1 (C1, P1, A1) PS, T, F


Ability to build and compare the main software artifacts for the software requirements specification, software design, and software testing documents based on the given problem description. PO3 (C4, P3, A3) PR,T, F


Ability to use the state-of-the-art method and tools in requirement engineering and software design. PO3 (C3, P3, A2) PR


Ability to work effectively in a team and present technical solutions to range of audience. PO6 (TS1- TS3)


Peer, Pre

L1 : Course Outline [pdf]

Module 1: Introduction to Software Engineering

 VIDEO: What Is Software Engineering Anyway?

Answer the following questions regarding the creator of the video (Chris ) point of view on “What is Software Engineering Anyway”. Please answer in proper sentences based on the specified questions

[you can also refer to the Lecture Notes: Introduction to Software Engineering]

  1. Why Software Engineering important?
  2. Explain the complexity and changeability of software engineering specifically regarding to his project at Wegmans.
  3. Describe the difference between computer science and software engineering.
  4. Explain his view on teamwork in software engineering.
  5. Relate the importance of software engineering to your own majoring to your own carrier/field of work after viewing the video.

This is a team work based task.  Choose your team members (either 2 or 3 person in a team). The time given to complete the questions is based on the instructor. Please include the name and matrix numbers of all the team members when you submit your answer (handwritten). There is no restriction based on number of words to answer the question.

Module 2: Software Process Model [pdf]

In Class Problem Solving (do it with the same team members as before and submit it handwritten. [software Process Model]

Task: SE Project Introduction and Team Formation [t1]