Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Sitti Asmah Binti Hassan
B.Eng. (UTM), M.Eng. (UTM), Ph.D. (University of Southampton, UK)

Recent Posts
Thanks 2021 and Welcome 2022
Majlis Anugerah Gemilang Fakulti Kejuruteraan 2021 (MAGFE 2021) _ 25.01.2022
Semakan Pengecualian Kredit Pelajar
Date: 08/12/2021, 10am hingga selesai. Terima kasih kepada semua penyelaras yang sangat berdedikasi & komited sehingga menjadikan tugas menjadi mudah dan pantas. Yang penting happy hehehe... Saya sebagai penyelaras baru di dalam team, mohon tunjuk ajar daripada...
The Best Postgraduate Award-64th UTM Convocation
Congratulations to Mr Ibrahim Osama Tamam Osama for being the recipient of Best Postgraduate Student Award in conjunction with the UTM 64th convocation. Ibrahim was truly dedicated and committed in his master's journey in UTM. You deserve the award. Congratulations...
UTM-MIROS discussion
Date: 22/11/2021, 230pm Via: Webex Ir. Dr. Marizwan, Director of Road safety Engineering and Environment Research Center, MIROS. He is an Industrial Academic Panel (IAP) for SKA. Few collaborative agenda were discussed between UTM and MIROS such as: Data sharing: for...
UMT 1012 Graduate Success Attributes
A group of 1st year students was given an assignment for the subject UMT 1012 Graduate Success Attributes. They were required to interview an engineer to get some insight on the challenges, motivations, satisfying moments, the important traits of engineers. Summer Ng...
GRSF Training
Global Road Safety Facilities training were conducted by The World Bank & GRSF. GRSF is an active organisation in Road Safety Advocate. The training consists of 7 modules which were delivered in 7 days around 5-7pm Malaysia Time. It was compulsory for us to do the...
Infinid 2021: 21-22 September 2021
Date: 21-22 September 2021 Organiser: Department of Geotechnics & Transportation UTM & UNISULLA 12th Geotropika, 2th Ichitra, 4th ICCDA Further info can be seen here: Opening and keynote session can be seen in...
Malaysia ITS Blueprint 2019-2023
Malaysia Intelligent Transportation System Blueprint, 2019-2023. Together with Dr. Khamarrul Azahari, we are representative from Higher Learning Institute in the TWG 6. Chaired by Dato' Ir. Sabri bin Abdul Mulok, National Disaster Management Agencies (NADMA) Chaired...
DRRM Capacities of State and Local Governments in Malaysia
Measure Malaysia's National DRR Strategies. Involved: Selangor, Sabah, Kelantan, Penang, Melaka Steering Committee Meeting : 11.03.2021Steering & Technical Committe of the project: Dato. Ir. Sabri bin Abdul Mulok (NADMA), Dr Shohei Matsuura (DPPC), Mr. Shinsaku...
SKAZum-Kesihatan itu Anugerah
Assalamualaikum & Good day, Yesterday, SKA organised an event we called SKA Zum--> Ziarah Ukhuwah Maya with title "Kesihatan itu Anugerah" by Professor Ir. Dr.Mahmood Md Tahir. It is about the experience of Covid-19 infection. Health is wealth indeed! May the...
Check copyright issue of image
Sometimes in publication, we use image availables on the net. It is compulsory for us to check the copyright issues of the image. Every time I have to do it, I have to browse for the information stored on my phone. I will put it here, so next time I won't have any...
Salam Maal Hijrah 1443 H
Assalamualaikum and Good Day, Happy New Year to Muslim, 1 Muharram 1443H. In Johor, it is a public holiday. Yesterday, I was under lots of feelings: sad, worried, and anxious. The passing of singer, Siti Sarah Raissudin made me emotional. I am truly saddened by the...
Academic Life: What does a lecturer do?
What does a lecturer do?
Why we need to publish?
I got this from Professor Dr Saidur Rahman, from his sharing. This is applicable not only to publications but to a successful PhD completion also. Motivation and Commitment are two important ingredients. The publication provides...
Sistem BRT autonomi revolusi baharu pengangkutan awam
Berita Harian: 15 Jun 2021
Majlis Khatam Al-Quran Wanita SKA
Alhamdulillah, for the opportunity to attend the Majlis Khatam Al-Quran for 1442H, which was on 09 May 2021. We have conducted this event yearly. Normally, after the completion of the grouped Quran recital among ladies in SKA (academician and supporting staff), we...