DRRM Capacities of State and Local Governments in Malaysia by sasmah | Oct 4, 2021 | Committee Measure Malaysia’s National DRR Strategies. Involved: Selangor, Sabah, Kelantan, Penang, Melaka Steering Committee Meeting : 11.03.2021Steering & Technical Committe of the project: Dato. Ir. Sabri bin Abdul Mulok (NADMA), Dr Shohei Matsuura (DPPC), Mr. Shinsaku Fukazawa & Mrs Esuko Hayashi (representative of JICA), Dr. Khamarrul Azahari Razak (DPPC), Mr Hafiz & Dr Rabieahtul (consultant team), Me & Dr Kogila Vanilla (Technical Committee) Melaka: 27.08.2021 Sabah & Kelantan: 03.09.2021 Selangor: 10.09.2021