It is now time to fill in Teaching Excellence System (TES) for 2019 2020 (sem1 & 2).  Seperti biasalah, menggagau mencari maklumat-maklumat yang perlu diupload di dalam sistem. Sementara ingat ni, mari kita isi! Banyak sangat sistem, sampai lupa deadline2 ni huhuhu.

Ok, one of the things that need to be uploaded is about non-conventional teaching and learning. Tara…finding from Google search:

The term “traditional teaching” relies mainly on a method that utilizes textbooks, lecture notes, memorization and recitation techniques. Delivering education through a traditional format sees no priority in catering to the rich and diverse learner population or the need to develop critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making skills, but instead directs learners to assume a non-thinking and information-receiving role [1]. 

Traditional teaching methods are defined and described as methods that usually rely on lectures and notes-taking and that are often very teacher centric without the use of any teaching aids [2-3, 4-5].

Non-traditional or non-conventional teaching methods are commonly known as innovative/modern teaching methods that involve the use of technology, animation, special effects and are generally learner self-directed and interactive in nature (for example, the use of computers and videos to enhance delivery content) [6-7]. 

1. Sunal C, Sunal D, McClelland S, Powell D, Allen B. Integrated teaching units: Pre-service teachers’ experiences. Journal of Social Studies Research. 1984; 18(2): 10-18.

2. Gregory GH, Chapman C. Differentiated instructional strategies: One size does not fit all. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press; 2002.

3. Johnson J, Mighten A. A comparison of teaching strategies. Lecture notes combined with structured group discussion versus lecture only. Journal of Nursing Education. 2005: 44 (7): 319-322.

4. Stuart GW, Laraia MT. Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing, 7th ed. Canada: Mosby Elsevier; 2005.

5. Talley BJ, Littlefield J. Efficiently teaching mental status examination to medical students. Medical Education. 2009; 43:1081-1117.

6. Harris, P, & Johnson, R. Non-Traditional Teaching & Learning Strategies Montana State University-Bozeman. (unpublished report) [cited 16 September 2013]

7. Prince J M, Felder M R. Inductive Teaching and Learning Methods Definitions Comparisons and Research Bases. Journal of Engineering Education. 2006; 95(2): 123-138.