Date: 09.08.2020
Sharing experience to become professional engineer. It was a life sharing experience in the journey of becoming professional engineer. PE does not bring any salary increment and does not guarantee promotion in career. This is a misconception that needs to be clarified. The recognition does bring satisfaction in my professional services, although, I am still have a feeling of the need to improve the competency level. Learning is a life-long journey 😀
One thing for sure, it helps to maintain the accreditation of School of Civil Engineering program. Without the accreditation, the most affected people with this will be students who registered in SKA program. There are requirements that SKA needs to maintain certain numbers of PE in order to be able to maintain the accreditation of the program.

Nice sharing was also presented by Dr Ilya Khairanis who shared the reality of academician in Malaysia and Dr Hasanah who shared about the innovation journey in research.