Visualization Venues and their ranking.

Good reading from Thank you Robert Kosara for an eye opener on visualization venues. Further details can find from Here, I summarized the venues based on their ranking.

1st Rank: TVCG, VAST, InfoVis, SciVis, EuroVis, CHI

Consider as top tier venues are:



  • IEEE VIS – VAST, InfoVis, SciVis. All the papers are published in TVCG.
  • EuroVis. At par with VIS, EuroVis. All papers are published in CGF.
  • SIGGRAPH. According to Kosara, if you have a visualization technique that produces stunningly beautiful images, you can give a SIGGRAPH submission a shot. More than likely, it’s a waste of time, though. If you get it in, it’s a big deal however, and you join the very exclusive club of visualization researchers with SIGGRAPH papers.

Second rank: InfoVis Journal, CG&A, VIS Symposia, PacificVis

The second tier are not quite as good as the above, but are still solid venues to get work published.

  • The Information Visualisation Journal (abbreviated as IVS, IVI, or IV Journal) is a more recent journal that still seems to be struggling for attention. Paper quality is more mixed than in TVCG, though they are also more focused on information visualization.
  • Computer Graphics and Applications (CG&A) is a magazine published by the IEEE that is more application-oriented and geared towards a broader audience. It’s a good place for systems papers and applications in general. Papers get rewritten for readability and there are some restrictions on the number of citations, etc.
  • IEEE VIS doesn’t just consist of the three conferences, but also of a few symposia. This year, those included LDAV (Large Data Analysis and Visualization), BioVis (bioinformatics data visualization), and VizSec (security visualization). I wasn’t excited by LDAV last year, and I didn’t attend this year. BioVis is a great effort that brings together visualization and bioinformatics researchers. I don’t know anything about VizSec. But these are good venues to talk to a more specialized audience and to explore topics that aren’t covered enough in the conferences.
  • PacificVis technically has a good acceptance rate, but I haven’t seen many exciting papers published there. It also seems more focused on scientific visualization, so it’s a bit outside my general awareness horizon.

There are also a number of other small conferences and symposia that aren’t core visualization venues, but that can be interesting for certain work. Those include User Interface Software and Technology (UIST)Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI), the Diagrams Conference, etc.

3rd rank: IV, VIS workshops, VDA, WSCG

Lower tier means high acceptance rate and generally low quality, but they can still be worthwhile to get master’s thesis work published, etc. The point is to know what to expect, both when reading a paper from such a conference, and when submitting work there.

  • International Conferences in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (formerly Winter School of Computer Graphics, WSCG). If you work in visualization, you’re probably getting the barrage of emails from Vaclav Skala each year about WSCG. The conference has a high acceptance rate, but it’s also a good opportunity to travel to Plzen (which the Pils is named after) and see work from Eastern Europe that you wouldn’t otherwise see. Also, at what other conference are you handed two bottles of beer with your name badge when you register?
  • Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA) is a small conference with a high acceptance rate (48% in 2012) that is part of the SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference. This could be a really solid little conference, but being tied to a large conference that has nothing to do with visualization (and that is quite expensive) doesn’t do it any favors. Though if you go, you’ll be able to just skip over to Human Vision in Electronic Imaging (HVEI), which is a solid little perception and vision conference.
  • Workshops at VIS. While they are associated with a high-quality conference, the limited audience and late deadline for these workshops usually means that they don’t get a lot of submissions (and those are often rejected conference submissions). So the overall quality is just not as high. The focus on a narrow and potentially overlooked topic can still make them worthwhile, though.
  • A British company called graphicslink organizes a conference confusingly named Information Visualisation (commonly referred to as IV), with a number of associated conferences, one of which is called ViS. It is usually held in London, but also travels around Europe at times; next year, it will be held in Paris. The quality is generally very low and the scope includes anything that has to do with pixels, either generating them or analyzing them. Avoid.

One thought on “Visualization Venues and their ranking.

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