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The Launch of “Coached by the Pros Series” Books by the Minister of Higher Education
Book/Publication Review, Industrial/Institutional Collaboration & Networking, UTM Event Highlight / By wanfarah / July 7, 2022 / 3 minutes of reading
Prepared by: Wan Farah Wani Wan Fakhruddin and Suraya Ya’acob
KUALA LUMPUR, 4th July — The Minister of Higher Education, YB Datuk Seri Dr Noraini Ahmad, has successfully launched five books published by the Higher Education Leadership Academy (AKEPT) in collaboration with public universities at Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside on 4th July 2022. One of the books launched during the event was the Coached by the Pros Series, a three-book series by AKEPT, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM).

The book series was written by 52 fellows who participated in the leadership programme organised by the Division of Industry and Community Collaboration (BKIM) and AKEPT from various public universities in Malaysia in 2020. Among these fellows, nine people have been selected to lead the publication as book editors who represented various public institutions in Malaysia.

The book publication has received funding from AKEPT amounting to RM50,000, in which Dr Suraya Ya’acob, a Senior Lecturer from the Faculty of Technology and Informatics (RFTI), was appointed as the project leader for the grant and the Chief Editor of the Coached by the Pros Series. Alongside her, another co-editor from UTM is Dr Wan Farah Wani Wan Fakhruddin, a Senior Lecturer from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSH), UTM.
This book series results from successful collaborations between government, industry and academia, which have been translated into narratives in the book series. This is made possible by a joint partnership between AKEPT, UTM and UTeM. The books were published by UTeM Press.

The Coached by the Pros Series consists of Rising Above Crisis in Turbulent Times, Charting the Course beyond the Horizon and Inspiring a Stewardship’s Persona. All three books in the series are compilations of 52 leadership apprentice stories narrated by academic fellows who became young protégés of great industry leaders in the country during a leadership programme under the CEO@Faculty Programme 2.0 Cycle 3 organised by BKIM and AKEPT. These protégés were privileged to observe first-hand how great leaders rise above challenges, especially during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, and how organisations make timely decisions to manoeuvre their business.
The first series – Rising Above Crisis in Turbulent Times, provides insightful stories of how great leaders manage their teams through trying times and rise to the challenges of economic uncertainties, the COVID-19 pandemic, and rapid technological change. Charting the Course beyond the Horizon, the second series recounts how successful CEOs navigate their organisations and expand their business. Inspiring a Stewardship’s Persona, the third series narrates how CEOs become exemplary leaders and great mentors to their teams. Together, the Coached by the Pros Series trilogy provides unique tales of iconic leaders and businesses in the country.