MOOCS eContent Development UTM for NALI

eContent Development for MOOCS

Today course is about Setting up your MOOCs course. For the main references,  please visit here

  1. Sign up from – then you can edit your profile. E.g. Update your picture, name etc
  2. go to elearning content development –
  3. Create design homepage.

A. What is MOOCS.

  1. Learning using online network concept –  how to connect and collaborate – in event concept (activity-based) to engage the learning community
  2. Learning using social way – it is like using the concept of social media but for learning purpose. E.g. like, kudos and interactive comments from peers and teacher.
    • Open concept – online network
    • Participatory – engaging – using network concept
    • Distributed – using social and internet media
    • To develop new idea
    • a distributed knowledge based in the net – interdependence
    • Life-long learning concept – it is all up to you

Example of MOOCS econtent development interface

B. To create/design your homepage:

  1. How to create a course –
  2. Design good introduction – ice breaking. E.g. games, padlet concept.

C. To create promo page


Z. Further courses needed:

  1. PowToon
  2. Wordcloud
  3. Canva – 2340 x 340


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