Saya berpeluang untuk mengikuti program CEO Faculty 2.0 bagi Pusingan Ketiga bermula pada 17 Februari 2020 hingga 16 Ogos 2020. Program yang dianjurkan oleh Bahagian Kolabrasi Industri dan Masyarakat (BKIM), Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi mengumpulkan 53 ahli akademik daripada 23 Universiti Awam bagi program attachment enam bulan dengan CEO daripada industri dan syarikat di Malaysia.
Seramai enam orang felo daripada UTM Kuala Lumpur turut terlibat dalam program ini. Pada 23 Februari 2022, YBhg Datuk VC UTM sudi meluangkan masa, memberi nasihat dalam perjumpaan Felo CFP AixChange CEO 2.0 Cycle 3 di Aras 8 Menara Razak UTM Kuala Lumpur. (Rujuk gambar dari kiri, Dr Suraya, Dr Maryam, Dr Farawani, Dr Rozetta, Datuk VC, Dr Yasser dan Dr Fitri).
I had the opportunity to participate in the CEO Faculty 2.0 program for the Third Round from 17 February 2020 to 16 August 2020. The program was organized by the Industry and Community Collaboration Division (BKIM), the Ministry of Higher Education gathered 53 academics from 23 Public Universities for six months attachment program with CEOs from industries and companies in Malaysia.
A total of six fellows from UTM Kuala Lumpur are also involved in this program. On 23 February 2022, YBhg Datuk VC UTM was willing to spend time, giving advice in the meeting of CFP Fellows AixChange CEO 2.0 Cycle 3 at Level 8 Menara Razak UTM Kuala Lumpur. (Refer to picture from left, Dr Suraya, Dr Maryam, Dr Farawani, Dr Rozetta, Datuk VC, Dr Yasser and Dr Fitri).
Alhamdulillah, saya ditempat di CIMB bersama mentor yang dikagumi iaitu Dato’ Hamidah Naziadin. Bermula hari pertama, saya bersama Dr Teow Yeit Haan ditempatkan di Aras 16, CIMB KL Sentral. Antara aktiviti yang diikuti dalamdi CIMB ialah CIMB Orientation day di Dewan Md Nor Aras 2 CIMB, Spectruk 20/20, CIMB Scholarship, Training and Gamification, HR day, CIMB Studio, Financial literacy dsb.
Alhamdulillah, I was placed at CIMB with my admired mentor, Dato 'Hamidah Naziadin. Starting the first day, I and Dr Teow Yeit Haan were stationed at Level 16, CIMB KL Sentral. Among the activities followed in CIMB are CIMB Orientation day at Dewan Md Nor Level 2 CIMB, Spectruk 20/20, CIMB Scholarship, Training and Gamification, HR day, CIMB Studio, Financial literacy etc.
With Dato' Hamidah Naziadin and Dr Haan during first day CIMB 24 February 2020. Then, the first day at CIMB Office, the first time wearing a CIMB tag and the first event with CIMB.![]()
A short video introducing myself in CEO@Faculty Program 2.0 cycle 3