To access your website, use this login method:
Here are the slides that was used:
- [20160623 Bengkel Slider.pdf]
- [20151013 Staff Webpage Jab Fizik_corrected.pdf] – corrected
- [20151013 Staff Webpage Jab. Fizik.pdf] – wrong eLPPT scores
And here are my guides on how to use WordPress:
- Adding youtube videos
- Adding live pdfviewer
- Sharing your google calendar
- Changing font size
- Finding your website in Google search
- Adding bibliographic profiles
- Adding links and medias
- Changing password
- Access the list of posts or blogs without creating a page
And here are some templates
- [20160711 Banner Template.pptx] Powerpoint template for creating banners for Faculty of Science website
(more to come)
and here are some tricks and tips that you might find helpful:
Access the list of posts or blogs without creating a page.
Login and go to posts in the dashboard. Hover on “Posts” and click “Categories”.
It will show you the list of categories available in your website.
Note the columns “Name” and “Slug”. To access the posts or blogs, you will be using “Slug” instead of “Names” and you should access them using this URL method:
If your posts category name is “News & Announcement” and the slug is “announcement”, then the link will be