Welcome to my Webpage @’UTM Sanjungan Bangsa’

                               School of Education

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

“Seeking knowledge is a process of sharing between educators and students. To get the most out of it, there must be sincerity and honesty in each other. The wisest people are those who use knowledge to lead their life and the people around them to the path of righteousness. “


Other links related to Dr Aede Hatib Musta’amal:

*Editor in Chief Journal of Workforce Education and Research (JWER) [URL: https://journals.hh-publisher.com/index.php/JWER/about/editorialTeam]

*Google Scholar Citation Index {URL : https://scholar.google.com.my/citations?user=UrJS5YAAAAAJ&hl=en]

*Member of Staff for Technical and Engineering Program [URL : https://people.utm.my/departments-unit/department-of-engineering-education/