TVET Chapter Seminar 2019

The inaugural of TVET Chapter Seminar has been take place at Seminar Room, School of Education, FSSH UTM. This seminar has been initiated by the TVET Research Group (RG TVET) to encourage the spirit of knowledge and experience sharing amongst TVET institutions people such as polytechnics, community colleges, vocational colleges, and others.

Fig 1: The Director of the TVET Chapter 2019 giving opening speech.

Dr Aede who is currently the Head of RG TVET has started this initiative and decided to organise this event for the first timeby collaborating with School of Education FSSH UTM in conjunction with Bulan Inovasi Sekolah Pendidikan 2019 (School of Education Innovation Month 2019). To make this happen, Dr Aede has been appointed as the Director of TVET Chapter 2019. This two days event (4th and 5th December 2019) has successfully attracted presenter from UTM (12 person)and others TVET Institution such as polytechnics (25 persons), and community colleges (2 persons). All articles whic had been presented will be published in a proceeding.

International Education Postgraduate Seminar (IEPS) 2014

In this seminar, I have been given opportunity to be the Deputy Director and sought a massive experience from the event.

Figure 1: Prof Dr Baharudin Aris giving the certificate of appreciation to the keynote speaker Dr Raudah from the Ministry of EducationIEPS2Figure 2: Momento photo with all member of committee, guest of honour, and participants

IEEE Conference in Teaching, Assessment, and Learning in Engineering Education 2013

IEE TALE BALI 2013Pic: After the presentation session

Do “slow learners, pre-school children” learn number more effectively with SOBATAKA?

Abstract—Educational toy has an important role in improving educational performance of slow learner children especially at the preschool level. This paper draws on a study of SOBATAKA implementation for the preschool children who were having dyslexia and very weak performance in mathematics – in recognizing, counting and writing number from 1 to 10. The reasons why SOBATAKA was designed and the process of how SOBATAKA was tested and implemented are explained detail in this paper.  To analyze SOBATAKA’s effectiveness, a thorough study of problem identification through class observation and parents-teacher interview has been executed.  Then, process is followed by performing three types of assessment during the mathematics class; Activity 1- Pulling Forward the Bus while Saying the Ascending Number, Activity 2 – Singing an Ascending Number Song and Activity 3 – Writing Numbers from 1 to 10.  From the result analysis, it was found that SOBATAKA was successfully tested and proven can benefit the slow learners at preschool level enhancing their skills of recognizing, counting and writing numbers from 1 to 10 in two weeks’ time. The negative behaviors of fear, passive, not motivated, shy and less interest in learning mathematics have been positively changed to be much more daring, courage, active, confident and ambitious after the SOBATAKA’s class treatments. Finally, it can be concluded that SOBATAKA is able to enhance the ability of the ‘slow learners at pre-school level’ in learning numbers more effectively, but is also can strengthening their cognitive concept and social skills.

Keywords—slow learner; early education; SOBATAKA; numeracy; learning difficulties