1st FP Innovation Day

The Faculty of Education has make its own effort to organise its very own event of FP Innovation Day. This event was participated by the first batch of MPPU 1003 Innovation in Learning and Teaching course students. This course is compulsory for the taught course masters program student in FP. As part of the course assessment, the students required to develop an innovation for teaching and learning purpose and exhibited in this event. As the Coordinator of MPPU1003 Course, I’m responsible to lead in organising this event as the Program Director.

Figure 1: One of the group from my section who received Gold Medal Award with the FP Dean, Prof.Dr Baharuddin Aris

The FP Undergraduate students also invited to participate as participants in this events. Most of them from the Innvention Course, and Basic Invention Course

Figure 2: Among the undergarduate students who participate in this event

In this event, participant also being exposed about Intellectual Property Awareness through sharing session by UTM ICC staff, En Herme.

Figure 3: Sharing session by En Herme from UTM ICC