Muhammad Azril Hezmi received his Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in 2001. Later he pursue his M. Eng in Civil-Geotechnis in 2002 and completed within a year in UTM. He pursed his PhD in Civil Engineering in University of Glasgow where he was working on experimental work on Mechanical Behaviour of Bonded Unsaturated Soil.
He started his career in UTM as Research Officer (RO) in 2003 for 6 months in development of Rapid Consolidation Equipment (RACE) for cohesive soils. Currently, he is a Senior Lecturer in Department of Geotechnics and Transportation, Faculty of Civil Engineering. His field of research interests in experimental research in unsaturated soils, rainfall induce landslide and global climate changes effect on soil behaviour. He has involved in research and consultancy projects. He also active in social activities such as community drive, NGO drive and religious body drive and young professional financial educator .
- Bernama with Tuan Bri
- Break fasting delivery
- School Break Teen day
- Ihya Ramadhan 2016
- Ramadhan Charity Drive 2015
- Young Financial Educator
- Bernama 2015
- Qurbani 2014- Al Taqwa
- Breakfasting 2014 Team
- Dr Haris USM visit
- School Break teen camp
- Qurbani 2014- Al Taqwa
- With Ustaz Ismail delivering breakfasting meal
- Al Taqwa Jr Crew
- Internet Web site development
- Glasgow Lanarkshire
- Malidur Rasul 2013
- Qurbani 2013