Task towards on Lailatul-Qadr

Task  Solat sunat Ba’diyah 4 rakaat. (1 rakaat bersamaan 30,000 rakaat) Solat Sunat Teraweeh. Solat Sunat Taubat. Solat Tahajud. Solat Witir. Istigfar 100x Selawat 100x Baca surah Al-Mulk (Pelindung azab kubur) Baca surah Al-Waqiah (Sumber Rezeki) Baca Al-Quran...

Ten Last Nights

Last Ten Nights Keep recite this doa in last ten nights of Ramadhan. The holy month fully with barakah and hopefull have a chance to meet the special night thats we named it “Lailatul-Qadr”.   hasil taip : emily.ysff