Berkesempatan mendengar sekejap webinar anjurkan Clarivate
Antara tips yang dapat dipelajari
- Pergi conference – kita akan create networking, learning the new direction that we will apply to submit the extended paper to a jurnal.
- Supervisor – will teach how to publish and learn where to publish – so that the student akan jadi independent researcher
- Before to become a good writer – must be a good reader. Read as many as possible. From there you get the style, format to write and how to present the work
- A profesor (lecturer) must keep good relationship with students.
- Training and publication – what include in establishing connection with other collaborators from different country.
- Having a targetted grant/workshop include the efforts (within the scope of the grant) are the tips to get external funding.
- Shared effort – not everyone can publish in journal, so can try to publish in a book. for those of not able to getting a grant, can try to supervise a master student.