“Make Others Feel Important. We all have an innate desire to feel important, be special, and feel appreciated. In your words and behavior help others feel important.”
Susan C. Young
A life long learner, educator and researcher in entrepreneurial mindset, while passionately inspiring students to become the architects of their futures
“Make Others Feel Important. We all have an innate desire to feel important, be special, and feel appreciated. In your words and behavior help others feel important.”
Susan C. Young
“Indeed, the real question is not, “Why greatness?” but “What work makes you feel compelled to try to create greatness?” If you have to ask the question, “Why should we try to make it great? Isn’t success enough?” then you’re probably engaged in the wrong line of work.”
― James C. Collin
“The only purpose of customer service…is to change feelings.”
– Seth Godin
“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.”
– Peter Drucker
“Speak to your audience in their language about what’s in their heart.”
– Jonathan Lister
“Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving.”
― James E. Faust
“Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama.”
― Miguel Ruiz
“Instead of telling the world what you’re eating for breakfast, you can use social networking to do something that’s meaningful.”
Edward Norton
“Those who possess wisdom cannot just ladle it out to every wantwit and jackanapes who comes along and asks for it. A person must be prepared to receive wisdom, or else it will do him more harm than good. Moreover, a lout thrashing about in the clear waters of wisdom will dirty those waters for everyone else.”
Tom Robbins
“Every word, facial expression, gesture, or action on the part of a parent gives the child some message about self-worth. It is sad that so many parents don’t realize what messages they are sending.”
Virginia Satir
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