You’d purchased #bitcoin? Bravo you are still not a cryptocurrency expert.
You passed a cryptocurrency class? Bravo you are still not a cryptocurrency expert.
You have 25 years in #finance? Bravo you are still not a cryptocurrency expert.
You made 200 million in #crypto #investments? Bravo you are still not a cryptocurrency expert.
You have been in #banking your whole life? Bravo you are definitely not a cryptocurrency expert
You have cloned a cryptocurrency? Bravo you are still not a cryptocurrency expert
You have created your own cryptocurrency from ground up? Bravo you are still not a cryptocurrency expert.
You are on an ICO advisory board? Bravo you are still not a crytpocurrency expert.
You have been on the team of a successful ICO? Bravo you are still not a #cryptocurrency expert.
You are the main developer of a successful ICO? Bravo you MIGHT someday be a cryptocurrency expert.
You developed your own #blockchain stack from ground up without borrowing code from any other project? You MIGHT someday be a cryptocurrency expert.
Who is definitively a cryptocurrency expert? Absolutely no one.
Who are the cryptocurrency experts right now? There absolutely are none.
Credit to Bruce Bates