Customer Service

“Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.”

— Warren Buffett

Customer Service

“If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell six friends. If you make customers unhappy on the internet, they can each tell 6,000.”

– Jeff Bezos

Customer Service

“We’re not competitor-obsessed, we’re customer-obsessed. We start with what the customer needs and we work backwards.”

– Jeff Bezos

Customer Service

“No amount of advertising can repair the damage done by failing to properly address a customer’s concern.”

– Albert Schindler

Customer Service

“The rise of the citizen review site is a sobering development. No longer are you on top of the mountain, blasting your marketing message down to the masses through your megaphone.

All of a sudden, the masses are conversing with one another. If your service or product isn’t any good, they’ll out you.”

– David Pogue

Customer Service

“Customer service is the experience we deliver to our customer. It’s the promise we keep to the customer. It’s how we follow through for the customer. It’s how we make them feel when they do business with us.”

Shep Hyken, Customer Service Expert and New York Times bestselling Author

Customer Service

“Customer service is a voluntary act that demonstrates a genuine desire to satisfy, if not delight, a customer.”

Steve Curtin, author of Delight Your Customers

Customer Service

“Customer service is an opportunity to exceed your customer’s expectations.”

John Jantsch, President at Duct Tape Marketing

Customer Service

“Customer service represents the heart of a brand in the hearts of its customers.”

Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach

Customer Service

“Thank your customer for complaining and mean it. Most will never bother to complain. They’ll just walk away.”
Marilyn Suttle