
“Remember that failure is an event, not a person.”

Zig Ziglar


“In a forest of a hundred thousand trees, no two leaves are alike. And no two journeys along the same path are alike.”


Paulo Coelho, Aleph


“It is not as much about who you used to be, as it is about who you choose to be.”

Sanhita Baruah


“The home is the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose, and that is to support the ultimate career.”


C.S. Lewis


“A wise teacher learns in the midst of teaching; a wise student teaches in the midst of learning.”


Mollie Marti


“Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.”

John Locke


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”

Daniel J. Boorstin


“The barrier during self-improvement is not so much that we hate learning, rather we hate being taught. To learn entails that the knowledge was achieved on one’s own accord – it feels great – but to be taught often leaves a feeling of inferiority. Thus it takes a bit of determination and a lot of humility in order for one to fully develop.”

Criss Jami


“The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.”

— Herbert Spencer


“The key to pursuing excellence is to embrace an organic, long-term learning process, and not to live in a shell of static, safe mediocrity. Usually, growth comes at the expense of previous comfort or safety.”

— Josh Waitzkin